Open Your heart to a life filled with love, doing what you love, surrounded by those you love being around. A truly inspired life!
This workshop is for anyone who would benefit from taking time out to examine their relationship barriers. Great tools, great insights, enjoyed the experience and pace working throuh my own issues.” Fiona, February 2012
Ignite Your Heart is designed to assist you to open your heart to a life filled with love, doing what you love, surrounded by those you love being around. A truly inspired life!
To attract and create healthy relationships, with healthy boundaries and the love You want in your life, what I’ve found is:
1. You get what you ask for: just like in all parts of your life- consciously or unconsciously.
So if you want a truly loving relationship and more love in your life NOW is the time to find your glitches to finding it and DO something about it!
2. To change your relationships, change the way you communicate: Learn how you are sabotaging the relationships you want and learn to communicate your truth easily.
Using a wealth of kinesiology/ neuro-training and lots of FUN energetic techniques, this workshop will help you:
- Clean up old relationships
- Clear out old lovers (and friends) so you can attract the intimate relationship you desire
- Polish and upgrade your current relationships
- Create the quality relationships you want
- Connect with your truth, ask for what you want, communicate who you are