Time To Transform!


Become “Powerful Beyond Measure”


I have had the privilege to hear first hand the remarkable dreams and aspirations of so many clients over the years. And the key element that stalls their progress is the possibility that their dreams might actually come true.


Funny creatures, aren’t we? We spend so much time blaming and working through own inadequacies only to come up against the wall of our own power. Our own ability to create the Life we are Meant to Live. Our own capacity to fulfil our goals and desires.


The thing is, we are doing it every day. The day you are experiencing today is in fact the day you have spent every moment up until now creating by your thoughts, actions, behaviours and feelings. By your responses to Life.
So if you have created this day, why not step it up? Start creating something much, much better. Scary thought, huh?


What if you could be as happy, healthy, fulfilled and rich as you want?


Really, really scary, huh? What would you have to complain about? Who would you have to blame? What would there be to blame them for?


And then when completion of your goals was close to hand – what would you do next? Would there really be nothing to do?


Or would there be a whole new world open to you with choices available to you that you had not even begun to consider NOW?


At this point, feeling overwhelmed by your life today, it’s important to remember that every response, every thought and emotion you have YOU are in charge of, responsible for.


As Marianne Williamson and Nelson Mandela have both been attributed to say,


“ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Make the most of the Autumn Equinox, this very special Time of Change and Transformation, receive the benefits of this powerful time, create the change you seek in your life more easily. Be ready to Let Go of anything holding you back from being your most wonderful you.


NOW is the time for You to KNOW You are “ Powerful beyond Measure.”



Autumn Equinox Let it Go Exercise


By doing this exercise at this time of year you can access the energy of the Autumn Equinox and the heightened spiritual energy of this time, you can let go and step forward into the life meant for you… gently, easily, lovingly and well supported.


1. Swish water around your mouth to wake up the brain then follow it with a normal mouthful of water to hydrate.


2. Headhold and Breathe…place your hand across the forehead and the other hand across the bump on the back of you head. This adds blood flow to the frontal lobe and calms the limbic system (home of emotions), also to the back brain…bringing you into Present Time. Headholding and breathing helps all quadrants of the brain to talk to each other. So instead of a fear reaction it gives you a Whole Brain response….centred, ground, focused, calm.


3. Now BREATHE through your NOSE: In for 4, hold for 2, OUT for 4, hold for 2 and repeat 9 times. The 3rd time you may feel more agitated/upset. The 6th breath you may feel fine. On the 9th breath you activate a deep relaxation response that allows you to imagine a future different from the past. Notice.


4. Now take a sheet of paper and write a Life Review:

Write any old memories that are surfacing, the Equinox will bring up ancient memories to help us make sense and heal from them. Take the time to write everything you remember from this time including your feelings, and the times since that it has become a problem for you. Write them all down then rip them up. Now is the perfect time to let them go.


Now take note of your current life…what is working and what doesn’t work in your life? Decide what you will take on this journey of your life moving forward. Then lighten the load. What more can you leave behind? Simplify. What old stories, old definitions of yourself, old self images can be left behind? Write them out and rip them up. Take only what you need moving forward.


5. Headhold and breathe, in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. Repeat 9 times.


6. Imagine the energy field around your body filled with smog, mud, sludge. Imagine a celestial vacuum cleaner zooming around you cleaning your energy field of any emotional residue –wherever you feel heavy, sick, sad, angry in your body, let the vacuum cleaner clean it up. When it’s gone and you feel lighter DESTROY the vac. Send it to the sun, into a volcano, put it in a vat of acid. Nothing is to remain, it must be completely destroyed. Notice that your energy field is crystal clear and light, if not then repeat.


7. Headhold and breathe, swish some water.


8. Now begin to imagine what life will be like in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 10 years into the future. How do you walk, talk, hold yourself at this time? What are you doing at this time that is evidence that your life has changed? Write it down, the brain loves detail, so write it all down. The scene, the sense you get (eg. calm, fulfilled, at peace..)


9. Notice where you feel it in your body, breathe into that space in your body. Remember what you focus on grows, so feel that sense growing. Give it a colour- the first that comes to mind. Imagine it, feel it filling that space.


10. Now, give yourself a BIG self hug.


11. Next, now you know where you are heading focus on your life now.
Ask yourself…”In my Life now and moving forward where is ….”
The Joy
The Love
The healing
The laughter
The challenge
The triumph
The passion
The commitment
The purpose
Your spirit?
Write it all down.


12. Your challenge if you choose to accept it is re-read/ revisit/ expand on this exercise once a day for 7 days. Take advantage of the Autumn Equinox and the spiritual energy to clean out the old wounds to self heal & nourish so you have the energy , vitality and clarity to create the healthy, loving life you are seeking….the Life Meant for You.



Be Kind. And True to you always,