What’s Your Agenda? Seeking Your Passion & Purpose?
Quote for the Week
“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
― Joseph Campbell
A Mini- Meditation
B r e a t h e….
Give yourself a breath.
Love Yourself enough to do this…
Headhold and breathe for 9 reps.
Be still.
Gently place both hands on your heart in the centre of your chest.
Imagine you step into a lift in your head and it moves down the centre of your body, through the throat to the heart. The doors to the lift open. You step into the room that is your heart.
Notice the room. Notice the colours, the furniture, the photos and momentos. Breathe.
Notice how the room feels. Are you comfortable here? Do what you need to do to be comfortable here…make the space larger, smaller, lighter, darker, change to he colours, the momentos, the music, the scents. Make it a space you can be nurtured, loved, at home, peaceful, whole.
When you finds that space, ask what you need to do daily to Be this way. How can you support yourself better? To remind yourself that you are nurtured, loved, at home, at peace, whole. Find a way to make it happen. To fill your life with Love, Gratitude and Connection to the Divine. To live Your Life, your path, the reason You were born. To do what drives you. To live the life you want to be remembered for.
From Your Heart.
Breathe it all in.
Repeat Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to your Heart.
Step into the lift and promise your heart to practice this exercise daily.
The doors of the lift close, it moves upwards, through your throat and stops at the control room in the centre of your head. The doors of the lift open, you step through and start to implement all your new learnings, understandings and healings right here, right now.
And give yourself a hug. What colour do you notice? Breathe it in. Fill your body with the colour.
Embrace yourself with love.
What Is Your Agenda?
In the year I was born Easter Sunday happened to be the same day as my birthday.
Now, I find it so funny, divinely inspired, that I was driven to make my life’s work to assist clients to let go of their old lives, to transform, and Live the life they are meant to be living, the life that is meaningful to them. They become lighter, clear on who they are, inspired, authentic and live with passion…love, commitment and purpose.
Which is why kinesiology resonated so deeply for me. it has done so since my very first class over 25 years ago. Why? It assists me to help You live the life you are meant to, gently and easily. Over the years this has created profound results.
This life became my passion. My agenda…what drives me, what fills my day with love and Joy! What gets me out of bed every morning, gives me direction and my life meaning. What fills me up.
Take a moment to ask your heart, what drives you in this way? What do you want to be remembered for? These are the questions that lead you to discover Your Agenda. Your Agenda influences every choice you make, the results you create and the quality of life you live.
You can use the Mini- Meditation at the beginning of this article to ask your heart.
If you come along to Ignite Your Heart on Saturday May 4 you can help your heart to heal, open your heart to a Life filled with love, doing what you love, surrounded by those you love being around.
Or come along to Living Life Passionately and spend 2 days entirely on You, finding the career, finances, health and sex life you seek while clearing out your blocks/ sabotages to healthy self worth so you know you are enough, and can receive the very best in life. In other words you define and begin to live your purpose, your agenda.
If You would like some help with this, are looking to find and live Your Life Path, Your Purpose or would to Let Go of the heaviness and baggage ….give me a call, sms me or respond to this email to book an appointment or find the workshop that is right for you now.
I am here across Easter and the School holidays to help you do all that.
And a whole lot MORE!
About the Agenda
My story was very different in my late 20s and early 30s.
On the surface I appeared to be happy, deep down I was deeply unhappy. Although I was in a job I liked, the company was highly political and the environment incredibly toxic. I reported in to a boss who regularly invented new ways to belittle my staff. All employees actually.
I worked long hours, never found time for the gym and ate on the run. I ballooned to a size 22 and became unhealthy. I was VERY much off track.
At home, I overcompensated. Exhausted, de-moralised and unwilling to make the choice to leave an ill-fitting relationship, I ‘tried’ to make things better and avoided rocking the boat.
I was living MY life according to my boss’ and my partner’s agenda, putting their needs before mine while ‘getting on with it’ and paying the bills.
I was adapting to the environment without really questioning if this was the life I really wanted. It was a great set up for the boss and my then partner because I put their agendas ahead of mine. I had lost sight of what I wanted in the list of “have to’s” that filled my day in an attempt to keep everyone happy.
If you had told me then that I could be doing what I’m passionate about, living where I love and healthier than EVER I would have laughed and said it was dreaming. I was very attached to believing that the only way out was by working harder at my job and my relationship. I was attached to a”no pain, no gain” mentality, felt resentful and unappreciated.
Sound familiar, at all?
Looking back, these experiences taught me about Agendas.
Every meeting I’ve been to had an agenda…what will be covered in the meeting and expected outcomes. There were always people at the meeting who had their own desired outcome. Their own agenda that suited them and their needs. Whether they got it or not depended on whether others had an agenda and how committed they were to getting it.
Fortunately, the kinesiology I had been studying started to kick in and I realised there was a better way of doing MY life. I started to attract positive and likeminded people into my life who showed me what was possible and how to get there more easily. And I began to believe I could have the life I was dreaming of. It gave me the foresight to create it- the vision AND the strategy. And when that kicked in? WOW!
Over 15 years ago when I created Living Life Passionately, living Your Life according to Your Agenda was my main theme. In fact, THAT is one of the key reasons I created Living Life Passionately – to help others find their agenda for their life.
Why? When you know your agenda, the purpose, strategy and outcomes you are looking for in YOUR Life, YOU benefit. Everyone benefits.
One of my key purposes is to help others see and LIVE their Purpose, their True Agenda, the reason they were born.
Living Life Passionately was created from that agenda. Providing tools and techniques to assist You to let go of the defences ( habits, fears, old outmoded beliefs) that get in the way of creating the life You are meant to be living, then assisting you to move TOWARD what you want, rather than away from what you don’t want (because you will always carry what you don’t want with you).
What we often forget to do with the new strategy is take the time to be quiet and alone with it and to NOTICE how you feel, how your body responds to the new goals. If you notice you are joyful, love-filled, energised, centred and it sits well – you are on the right track.
If you notice your energy drop, feel “off”, heavy, empty or feel sick it’s time to stop and reconsider. Because while your head is telling you what it thinks is the “right” strategy, your heart and body are telling you otherwise.
Goals or plans that align your vision with your head, heart, body and spirit make creating your Life easier. They create flow and take the hard work out of life. You attract opportunities and like-minded others to assist you to bring your vision to fruition. Life becomes easy and “things just fall into place”.
Or you can continue to make hard work of your goals.
The difference a moment makes. A moment to check-in, listen and act on what is really important to you.
Your Personal Consultations and the Living Life Passionately workshop are designed to make this process easier.
The emphasis here is easier. Change can feel uncomfortable. We are “comfortable” living with our old fears, habits and beliefs even if we ‘ know’ we need to change something. This is only as easy as you allow it to be.
If you are attached to your old fears, habits and beliefs as ways to defend yourself, define yourself, excuse or justify yourself you will make the process more “uncomfortable”.
Or, you can COMMIT to the NEW You! Write a new role for yourself. Re-defining your role and agenda for your Life, begin to BELIEVE in it and ACT upon it. Imagine seeing yourself LIVING the rewards of the new and better way of living Your Life.
That’s Living the Life YOU are Meant to…a passionate Life, filled with love, commitment and purpose!
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Be kind. And True to you,