Deborah is a Consultant, Coach, Mentor and Facilitator who has been Connecting Clients to Their Heart, Spirit and Life Purpose for over 20 years as a Kinesiologist, Neuro-Trainer, Intuitive and Medium assisting them to Live the Life They are Meant To from Sydney to Melbourne, the Gold Coast, UK, Europe and USA.
As an 11 year old, Deborah started reading books like her 2 early favourites The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. These books started a life-long passion to find new and better ways of living life, and encourage those around her to do the same.
With a developing career in corporate, Deborah began her first class in kinesiology with the Touch for Health series – created by Dr John Thie – the foundation studies for many kinesiologists. This was further developed when she completed the BKP series, created by Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe.
When she furthered her studies with the Three in One series Deborah finally found the beginning of what she was looking for – proof the emotions could physically affect the body, creating symptoms. ” It felt like the windows had flown open and the fresh air and sunshine came in for the first time”, Deborah has said. Three in One gave her tools to rebalance the emotions and for the body to create wellbeing.
Deborah began studying Brain Gym to assist the students and adults she saw who had lost their love of learning and curiosity for life. Many of the tools she gathered from this stream of kinesiology known as Educational Kinesiology she includes in her workshops and as “take home support tools” to assist clients manage their stress more effectively.
Deborah then began studies that have continued for the past 17 years with Andrew Verity’s work, Neuro-Training and Solutions Oriented Kinesiology.
This fulfilled her search for the tools that most resonated with her. It also gave her tools to find and release limiting mental, emotional and physical patterns such as fears, misperceptions, habits and beliefs. Clients started to receive more profound and longer-lasting benefits.
Kinesiology/ Neuro-Training assists the brain to adapt to change more easily and to find the most positive change in all circumstances. Positive change is about:
- assisting you to make choices that are in support of you and your goals
- seeking better results for the effort you put into Life and
- achieving more easily
- Sharing these principles, and many others, with her clients in appointments and students in workshops is one of Deborah’s greatest joys and passions in life.
During her 15 years experience in Corporate roles world Deborah developed an excellent understanding of workplace stress. In the process she applied and utilised kinesiology and neuro-training skills with the teams of people she managed to assist them to de-stress, increase their productivity, decrease sick leave and improve job enjoyment and engagement.
Deborah started her practice on a part-time basis until it grew into the thriving practice it is today in her much loved beach-side suburb Coogee, New South Wales, Australia.
As well as seeing clients in Personal Consultations Deborah offers a range of workshops and classes to share her knowledge and skills to larger groups of people, both at her clinic and as a consultant to corporate. Living Life Passionately – learning to live life with purpose, love and commitment – and Corporate Calm are her flagship corporate trainings.
Deborah now has a growing interstate business as well as in the UK, Europe and USA where she has been warmly welcomed and accepted. According to her clients there the results are speaking for themselves!
Deborah offers you an opportunity for awareness of yourself at this point in time and your own unique solutions to get where you want to be. She loves to share with you lots of “take home” techniques and strategies to support yourself, has a common sense, bottom line approach to Spirit and a keen sense of humour.
Deborah’s passion is to assist others to Live The Life You are Meant To – easily and with less stress.
with any questions or to book an appointment. If Deborah can’t assist you she will happily refer you to someone who can.