Welcome to the Winter Solstice
This is one of my favourite times of year.
The change in energy is palpable. Listening to the birds at sunrise this morning, the shortest day of the year, excitedly chirping to each other gave me goosebumps. Even they know change is on it’s way.
Tomorrow, the Winter Solstice at 1:54 am in Sydney Saturday, June 22, 2019 the days start to become longer.
The Winter Solstice assists you to create profound change in your life with greater clarity and more easily.
Over the years I have learnt that when you tell me, around this time of year, that you feel like your life is ‘falling apart”, “No part of my life is the same” , ” My life is in ruins “, “Something weird is happening” that Winter Solstice energy is clearing out the past dramatically so you will finally take notice. That you are on the wrong path and NOW is the time to get on track to the Life Meant for You.
This year one of the major themes has been disappointment, anger and sadness about the expectations of others: from others toward you, from you toward others, and you toward you. The key is Acceptance, of You, by You. Once you fully accept yourself all else falls into place. The behaviour of others no longer affects you. You are Present. Happy. Peace. Loved. From the Inside.
Once the old negative thoughts and emotional patterns are identified using Neuro-Training Kinesiology, the stress is released and You can be lighter, more Present and on track again. Living the Life Meant for You.
The Winter Solstice is about endings and new beginnings. It is an exciting and rewarding time of year. Filled with potentials, once the the past is let go, generating the energy to renew and create a life that is better. A Life Meant for You.
It’s the key reason I offer Winter Solstice Personal Consultations each year. It’s always wonderful to see so many of you take the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of these sessions to write then next chapter of your life. The past week has been fully booked in Coogee and in Melbourne with clients doing precisely that. A few times are available next week, respond to this email, sms or call if you are interested in making the most of this time.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to the beautiful, questing, committed and heart-filled Melbourne clients for another inspiring, enhancing and extraordinary visit last weekend. It’s always such a joy to work with you, to see how your lives have changed and to help you make your next chapter even better than the last. Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to the wonder-filled Meditation group at the fully booked Winter Solstice Special Event Meditation on Wednesday night. Their openhearted giving and receiving, their desire to expand their life and spirit is awe inspiring. It was a gift to be a part of your transformation as you each released the past and visioned and started creating the next 12 months. Such an inspiration. Thank You!
The final event making the most of receiving the benefits of the Winter Solstice energy is A Spirited Life this Sunday. This is the workshop for you if you want practical tools and techniques to help you understand the energetic nature of life and discover what is Spiritual for You. This workshop was created after clients asked (for many years) to learn “that other stuff ” (non-kinesiology tools) I use in your Personal Consultations. You can develop, grow and strengthen your intuition to create a more meaningful life, use tools to Be Present and have Presence, learn to speak with and listen to your Higher Self, learn about the energetic nature of life & how to consolidate your energy systems: feel or see auras, strengthen your boundaries especially if you feel what others feel & feel overwhelmed or drained by others. A Spirited Life is jam packed with activities, meditations and visualisations are designed to assist to develop your relationship with Spirit and practical skills to use after the workshop.
In the meantime make sure You complete Your Winter Solstice exercise (below) preferably TODAY or sometime in the next 3 days to create the Life Meant for You more easily.
What You Focus On Grows
When we are experiencing stress we can sometimes have trouble remembering who we are.
It’s little wonder. Advertising, social media, our family and friends are constantly challenging us to be who they want.
It takes the conscious choices we make in each moment to be true to ourselves.
Then something changes everything. Something major happens…someone close leaves, we lose a job, a diagnosis is delivered, a truth is declared or revealed to shine a light on any delusions or misperceptions.
The way we have been living, the way we believed life to be no longer exists.
The way we think about our life is irrevocably changed. The filters, the references we have used to perceive our life no longer apply. We ask ourselves, “Who Am I? With or without this Who Am I Really?”
You can make a thousand lists until you realise what you are asking is “What Do I Believe?”. What you believe reflects in what you think, and that affects the way you feel and the energy you have to do your life, or not. Your beliefs are physically manifested in your day to day living, in what your life looks like and how you live your life.
If the beliefs are negative or limiting thoughts they will slow you down, hold you back or stop you in your tracks and keep you stuck. Your cynical comments and sarcastic or self-depreciating humour are expressions of your beliefs. The brain never registers the ‘humour’. It hears everything you think and say and believes it to be true… You are your own No.1 authority.
Your brain will create what you believe about yourself and your world…whether filled with fear, anger, loathing, resentment, bitterness, self-doubt.
You’ll stay there until you turn the negative into a positive that supports you in who you want to be and what you want to do and the healthy relationships you desire…. loving, trusting, generous, curious, kind, expansive.
It’s your choice.
What You Focus on Grows.
The Winter Solstice Exercise
The Winter Solstice occurs on the longest night and shortest day of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere we experience the Winter Solstice from June 18 -22. From June 22 the days begin to get longer as the sun shines longer. It is the beginning of a new cycle and a powerful time to get clear. It’s a time to set then let go of your visions, dreams and goals. It’s time to celebrate life, love and connection, to enjoy the rebirth as the old cycle completes itself and the new cycle begins.
The Winter Solstice carries a HUGE energy to help your foresight – that’s the vision and the strategies needed – for the year ahead…helping you move from where you are to where you want to be.
It’s good time to re-write your life story. Often we identify, explain or excuse ourselves on the basis of the painful experiences in the past. The Winter Solstice is a perfect time to let go of the pain of the past, the unfinished business, to move toward the life you are meant to be living.
Yet, there is still something more.
Beneath the disrupted feelings, beneath the defensive thoughts, beneath the protective beliefs is that part of yourself that is calm, JOYful, light, peaceful and Love.
If we make time to listen to that gentle, soft voice within us it reminds us who we are.
If we ignore it or avoid the opportunities it creates to connect, learn and grow we can create pain…in our body, heart and mind.
We pay attention or pay in other ways. When we pay attention, the pain from our spirit eases, we find peace and begin to heal our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and body.
When we have difficulty remembering, our spirit reminds us who we are. It reminds us of our true nature, who we are in our heart of hearts.
Look for the Light
From this place we can radiate and grow. It is our Truth, Light, Joy. Essence. Pure Love that Connects us to the heart of others, to our true Life path, to Life itself.
We can access it through our thoughts and feelings using Visualisations, Prayer (asking the Divine) and Meditation (listening to the Divine) until we learn to access it directly within.
To make decisions that help life Thrive and Flow with ease we can ask, “Am I reacting from my humanity or responding through my Divinity?”
Then you can start to Know and Live Your Truth and ask “What MORE Can I BE?”
Clearing the Old Year:
1. Write a letter of anger, pain and torment to those around you that have tested you, upset or hurt you in the last 12 months. Then a letter to yourself about times you have done that to yourself including the fears, negative thoughts and beliefs you have adopted that torture you by getting in the way of you achieving your goals and living the Life you are meant to Live.
2. When you have finished all the letters – destroy them! Rip it up, burn it – get rid of it! Let it go.
3. One hand across your forehead, one hand across the bump on the back of your head. Headhold and breathe in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2…at least 9 reps, letting go of the painful emotions to become lighter and clearer. Give yourself and hug.
Creating Your Future
How can you transfer these learnings, new habits and ways of thinking and doing life into the year ahead?
Where do you want to be in every part of your life in 12 months time: health, financially, relationships, spiritually, work-wise?
Head hold and breathe and imagine yourself 12 months in the future talking to your older, wiser self … who has already created The Life meant for you, is living it and enJOYing it!
Ask your older, wiser self about each of these areas of your life and how you are living 12 months in the future.
Ask what you did to create it, what thoughts, feelings, habits did you let go of? What new thoughts, feelings and habits did you adopt? B r e a t h e them in, intensify them as if they have already happened.
Then Thank your older, wiser self for all the help, love and support. Promise (if you mean it) to visit with your older, wiser self regularly. Become BFFs. What a great resource!
Bring all the information and feelings back into Present time, right here, right now and write it all down.
Then put a candle on top of your list for the next 3 nights (and being responsible candle-safe users I know you’ll blow it out as you go to bed or leave the house).
The idea is this: you are telling Your Brain and the Divine/ Universe/ God/ Goddess/ Supreme Being (within you) who you want to be this time next year and what you want to be doing. Make it date specific, eg. “It is June 20, 2020 and I am/ Have…” then describe the exact scene you are in (so you know you’ve accomplished your goal) and how it feels to be there (having accomplished your goal).
You are re-setting your brain’s Inner GPS to the life you are meant to be living, and making it quite clear for the Divine energy to pick it up and run with it!
As a goal getting exercise it is helping your brain to focus on where you want to be and what you want to be doing. Goals are 80% more successful if they are written down.
As an energetic exercise it is harnessing the energies of the Winter Solstice to assist you to get there!
Make way for the new, better ways of doing life and Live the Life Meant for You!
EnJOY Your Winter Solstice.
The next 12 months will transform you.
Be Kind. And True to You,
All the best always,