Kinesiology, pronounced ‘kin-easy-ology’, is a natural therapy that began in the 1930’s. The basis of all kinesiology is the use of muscle monitoring to detect and correct imbalances in the body. There are now over 130 different types of kinesiology available in the marketplace.
Imagine your body is a like a computer- every bit of information, every thought, event, feeling, everything about you is stored in your cells, like the memory on a computer’s hard drive. When we go “off-line” or our “System crashes” because of ill health, stress or “Life” we have a tendency to blame our IT department- either our body letting us down or work being over demanding (for example) or worse still – that we are not good enough.
Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring – creating a cybernetic loop or biofeedback from your muscle to your brain- like a mouse googling a search engine to find the patterns behind a “system fault”. It will then find the best ways for your body to support and heal itself- emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Obviously we are a lot more complex than this. (see the official, detailed version from the link down further). Each body, every person has their own answers, their own unique solutions to imbalance. Why? Because we have our own unique experience of Life.
Kinesiology honours and works with that innate intelligence to find the answers you need to get “on-line” again.
What is Stress and how does kinesiology help?
Stress can appear like a fog or a black cloud that prevents us from seeing Life clearly. Stress isolates us, making us feel we are the only person going through this and no one else would understand.
Often stress can be the fear that what has happened to us in the past is going to repeat itself now or sometime in the future. This puts us in “defence” or “survival mode” waiting for it to re-occur.
Kinesiology assists us by removing the clouds and the fog showing us that we have many choices and solutions available to us when stress is not in our way.
Stress occurs until the brain learns to adapt. This can take moments or years. Think of some of the changes you have experienced in life: moving from childhood to adolescence, moving house, going on a diet, changing jobs or partner, learning new skills – they all incurred stress until you learnt to adapt.
Kinesiology/ Neuro-Training assists the brain to adapt more easily and to find the most positive change in all circumstances. Positive change is about:
- assisting you to make choices that are in support of you and your goals
- seeking better results for the effort you put into Life and
- achieving more easily
Within Neuro-Training – the type of kinesiology Deborah loves work with – there is an understanding that once our attitude, thoughts and beliefs about life are in support of our wellbeing, the emotional health of an individual will improve and then their physical health.
Official Definition
“Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well-being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.” (Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association in 1999.)
Kinesiology began in the USA in the work of 1930’s however it wasn’t until the early 1960’s, when Dr. George Goodheart made the breakthrough that pushed kinesiology to a whole new threshold. He found that muscle monitoring could access the functional status of other physiological systems.
Today kinesiology is practiced in over 50 countries and over 130 types of kinesiology have been developed. What ties the different modalities together is a reliance on muscle monitoring as the basic feedback mechanism into the human “bio-computer”.
In seeking underlying causes, rather than just treating overt health problems, kinesiology remains faithful to the ancient model that says health problems are the outcome of blocked energy flow. When this vital life force or Chi is disrupted, it can overtax or starve systems. If the person fails to adapt, the resulting compensation can be anything from mild emotional discomfort to permanent pain or disease.
The remarkable efficacy of kinesiology lies in its ability to specifically trace the imbalance, identify where and why function is blocked and then to facilitate a release that honours the person’s own healing process.