Feeling Impatient?

Quote for the Week


We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. We do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy.



Feeling Impatient?


Hold Your Horses!


It’s ALMOST Spring….


I am seeing and hearing a lot of impatience and ” it’s SO frustrating Deb” from clients as we head toward the Spring (in the Southern Hemisphere) and Autumn/ Fall ( in the Northern Hemispere).


The misperception is that the change of season occurs on September 1, when ancient traditions, and the hardwiring of your brain, recognise it occurs at the Equinox ( the balance of day & night) from September 18 – 22.


The first 3 weeks of September are the most topsy turvy and can be the hardest of the year as we search for the energy to complete the old cycle then begin the new. If the energy can’t be found to begin the new cycle, projects fall by the wayside and people leave.


You may be noticing the change in season as weather, sunlight and air temperatures fluctuate. Be patient. You need to wait for the energy for the NEW to arrive so you have the inspiration, motivation, vitality and strategy to create your new Life more easily. It’s close…just 3 weeks away.



The hazard is a ‘false start’, feeling exhausted, frustrated, undue stress, ‘pushing mud uphill’, and over-enthusiasm for the new then falling flat before it is ready.


Now is the time to complete the old cycle and prepare. Practice your meditations and visualisations to discover greater detail about your visions, like what conditions you need to optimize your results, what needs to be weeded from your Life, moved around, transplanted or rested so you can return to it later. Or not.


This needs to occur to make room for the new visions and goals in the garden of your Life.


When the time is right, when the momentum picks up, when the energy is flowing easily because you have removed the weeds (blocks, limiting thoughts or sabotaging habits) AND gathered the resources to support healthy growth… that’s the time to begin to plant, nurture and notice.


EnJOY the process and the benefits. And if you’d like some help with this, just ask me.



In Gratitude…


This edition of Breathe is unusually HUGE for one simple reason.


August 30 marks the anniversary of both Louise Hay and Dr. Wayne Dyer’s physical deaths…Louise leaving a year ago, Wayne left three years ago.


As I and many of you have experienced, spirits, their love and influence never die.


So this then is a celebration of love, joy and gratitude.


As leaders in the self help and healing movements for decades, Louise and Wayne have influenced and helped us change the way we think and live Life.


Both Louise and Wayne profoundly affected my life, creating a path as deeply caring human BEings who constantly sought and created ways to make a difference in others lives by reminding them, teaching and facilitating them to heal themselves from the inside out.


This principle lead me out of teaching and corporate, to kinesiology 30 years ago, then neuro-training and into Personal Consultations and the creation of the core workshops Living Life Passionately, Ignite Your Heart and A Spirited Life. All assisting you to heal yourself from the inside out so that you can live the life meant for you, that is meaningful to you, filled with love, commitment and purpose.


Below you’ll find my favourite personal stories of deep love, JOY and gratitude to Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer plus links to FREE podcasts from Hay House to celebrate their lives and work.


So make yourself a cuppa, settle in for a good read and EnJOY!



Thank You Thank You Thank You… Dr Wayne Dyer


American self-help author and motivational speaker Dr Wayne Dyer died 3 years ago this week at the age of 75.


Author of over 40 books including 20 New York times bestsellers and having appeared on thousands of television and radio shows, he also has 10 PBS Specials which have raised over $250 million dollars for public television.


His personal story of triumph over personal tragedy and poverty has become legend. After studying education counselling and clinical psychology, his writing and career started to turn towards spiritual aspects. His first book Erroneous Zones, written in 1976, is believed to be one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold around the world.


My life was first touched by Wayne Dyer’s work in the early 1990’s when a colleague in the HR department I worked in gave me a copy of ” You’ll See It When You Believe It “. To be honest I thought she had lost the plot. I now have great compassion and understanding for the frightened young woman I was then. It was the beginning of my journey, long before I discovered kinesiology, and I had a lot to learn.


As I look back over Wayne’s most famous quotes now I realise they have become infused in the way I live and the way I have created a life I love. So, Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! to Wayne for planting the seeds way back then to be open to learning and receiving MORE.


And Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou to You who have helped the seeds to grow and for allowing me to to share their fruit with you.


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer 1940-2015


The day Wayne Dyer died I received a wealth of sms’s and emails from clients, friends and colleagues about their tremendous grief, sadness and sense of loss, so the next day I shared on Facebook…


“In the early hours yesterday I felt a flood of overwhelming grief that signalled the passing of someone very influential to the evolution of the planet. I had the same sense when Mother Teresa left. So I sent blessings and love and asked the Divine for an easy and joyous transition for who ever They were waiting to receive. They were confused by the sense of loss. No one is ever lost They said. Be grateful. Celebrate their Life and their gifts. So I waited patiently to hear who had left, as I have learnt to do many times in the past. Surely at precisely the right time I was informed it was Dr Wayne Dyer and immediately visited my times of joy and learning and understanding with gratitude over the last 30 years my life has been touched by his work and his presence, kindness and generosity. His work is so multi -layered we need a lifetime to process and apply it. His influence can be with you that long if you so choose. Please step out of your sadness and into the joy he has brought to your life. With gratitude he can receive your love. Blessings and Peace to You All. EnJOY! xxx”


The response to this post was beautiful, heart warming and inspiring.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!



One of My Wayne Stories…


I met Wayne Dyer in the outreaches of the lobby of a huge hotel complex in Phoenix in 2009…just Wayne, his PA and myself. An extraordinary moment and conversation that I was surprised to hear him mention on stage in his presentation at the Celebrate Your Life conference an hour later.


At the time of meeting him I was struck by his earthiness, sense of kindness and his radiance.Yet within this was a huge black mass like a 3D ink splat in his energy field that confused me. Later that day at the end of his talk he announced he had been recently diagnosed by leukemia. A tide of shock, grief and love flooded the room. And he left.


A few years later he announced he had fully recovered and according to clients attending his recent 2 Day workshop in Australia he was full of vim and vigor.


So it was particularly touching to read Women’s Health Expert/ Ob/ Gyn Dr Christiane Northrup’s comment during that week ” ….And despite my shock and sadness over Wayne’s sudden exit from his body on August 29, the night of the Super Moon in Pisces, I feel such a sense of celebration for him and the way he chose to leave. Happy, healthy, dead. Just like he wanted it. Well done, my friend, well done. We will miss your giant presence and continual inspiration. And all the laughs. And will see you on the other side when it’s time.”


A great way to put it. Happy, healthy, dead. Nothing took him. He left. On his terms.

Now that’s what I call walking your talk, in this world and into the next.



Be kind. And true to you always,