Focusing on the Negatives?

Quote of the Week


“Attitude is Everything.. A wealth of research now exists to show that our attitude does indeed affect our health, including how long we live. For example the Mayo Clinic published a study in 2002 that followed 447 people for more than 30 years, showing that optimists were healthier physically and mentally. Optimist literally means ‘best’, suggesting that those folks focused their attention on the best future scenario.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo




Focusing on the Negatives?


Do You concede to the negatives in your Life? Give them extra focus? Get stuck on the one thing that went ‘wrong’ instead of the 99 things that went ‘right’ and you were praised for? THAT is conceding to the negatives.


Do you expect the worst to happen? Dramatise the scenario in an endless loop in your head? Then react really badly if it does or doesn’t happen because you have been so stressed thinking about it? THAT is conceding to the negatives.


On the other hand, every major business needs a quality Risk Manager. They are paid to expect the worst and strategise to prevent it. They stay Present so they can respond positively should then need arise. Having covered all bases they can Be Present and enJOY their day.


Our personal experience of life gives us expectations that life will be a certain way. When negative experiences occur we do what we can to prevent them occurring again. We create negative thoughts, fears, beliefs, habits and other patterns to defend us from the negative occurring again.


When we concede (give power) to the negatives we ignore our ability to create positive change in our life. And we ignore the evidence we have as proof we have created positive change, eg. great kids, happy relationships, healthy finances, vibrant holidays, a wonderful place to live or job that you love.


So when you get stuck focusing on the negatives in your Life it is time to headhold and belly breathe ( place one hand across your forehead and the other across the bump on the back of your skull…in for 4 hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2…yes 9 reps).


This connects the parasympathetic nervous system to CALM you, bring you into the Present (out of the past or fear of the future) to notice the proof that you have created Positive Change in your life. Then you can build on it and imagine even better!


You could write a list of all the Positive Change you have created in your life. And keep it in you wallet, on your laptop or bathroom cabinet to remind you anytime you see it. Or take photos of the Positive Changes you have created like “Before” and ” After” shots.


The brain loves positive reminders to keep your GPS moving toward where you want to Be. As you increase the evidence to your brain that you can create Positives, you can then begin to create new Resources to support yourself MORE successfully.


For example, you can head hold and breathe (to make it easier) and Mentally start by IMAGINING the very best occurring. Imagining can get your Emotions and Truth (Spirit) connected to the Positive which then connects your brain to creating strategies to make it happen, Physically giving you the energy to do so.


That’s true Foresight. Vision + Strategy.


Other resources could include learning new and better ways of living life, creating new skills, a new set of friends that are moving in the same direction/ interests as you do. Time, energy, money, health, sex, new ideas, travel and Spirit are all resources. They become blocked when you concede to the negatives.


SO focus on what you have created successfully.


Then focus on your new reality….what it looks like, sounds like, feels like to Be there, to be supporting yourself MORE successfully.


And keep practicing. Keep reminding yourself which builds the neural pathways and new ways of thinking …all new resources…to help you Infuse the Positives to support yourself more successfully.


If you would like some help with this, call me for an appointment.


In a Personal Consultation we use kinesiology/ neuro-training to find the energy to identify the beliefs, fears, habits, limiting thoughts, emotional patterns and more that are keeping you stuck in the negative. Then you can release them and find who you truly are and get the new resources flowing.


That’s when You know you are Stepping Up to a whole new level in your Life.


To Live the Life You Are Meant To.


Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Be kind and True to You,


All my best Always,

