Look For The Light



When we are at our darkest, our lowest, loneliest, feeling anxious, grief, in a cycle of self-whipping thoughts, worrying about the future, ourselves, what others are thinking about us ( which they are probably not -because they are caught up in their own stuff- and if they are it is none of our business- they are their thoughts). When we feel depressed, or lack or fear we can go deeper and deeper into a well of darkness.


We forget when we are at the bottom of the well, swimming around with others who are at the bottom of the well- some because it is their role to clean up the bottom of the well for those living in the well, some who are there because they followed the darkness.


It is there we forget there is another way, we begin to believe there is only darkness, we forget to look for the Light. A speck. A sparkle of Light. 


When we start to focus on the Light we start to follow it, we start to rise up through the darkness. The speck of Light becomes a ray of light through the dark waters of the well. The well dwellers become more colourful to catch the rays of Light and their mates.


When we rise to the top of the well we can  B R E A T H E, we can see further, expand our thoughts and begin to imagine and vision possibilities. 


The Light we follow when we look for it touches the Light within us reminding us who we are in our heart, filled with Love and Purpose. When we are disconnected from our Purpose we can feel depressed, anxious and fearful waiting for something big to destroy our tightly controlled world of ‘have to’ and ‘shoulds’ protecting us from the fear.


The something big that we numb with food, wine, box sets, coffee, sugar…anything rather than create the space to feel and hear it is our spiritual purpose. The reason we were born.


When we look for the Light in moments of silence, of lightness and laughter, of touching moments that allow the heart to open a little at a time or in the sudden swooosh of the doors flying open it connects us to the bigger reason for creating the Life you are creating.


The Life that fills you up ( fulfills you), that brings Joy and a sense of Knowing, of heart centred desire to make a difference to your world.


So look for the Light. Then Your Light. Then the Light in Others.


It is found in your curiousity, your Love and shows you what is truly important to You.


Be Present. EnJOY your time there. It helps heals you. And the world.


It is the Life Meant for You.



The Energetic Side of Life… What’s In It For You?

I have been sensitive to the energies of others and cycles of life since a child. Seeing, hearing and speaking with Spirits, feeling other’s emotions, thoughts, energy fields and past lives.


Most importantly to me, I could see the Light within others. This came in very handy in my Corporate days when I was recruiting people for jobs- I was successful because I matched their energy and Light to the company that would then hire them. Everyone would be happy. Explaining my success to the boss was a little more difficult!


The Light within each of You is also what I see in clinic, classes and workshops. It is a part of your Spiritual Self. When unhappy or in fear we dim and cover this Light.


When we are safe to Be our True Self we SHINE. So part of my curiosity and purpose in Life became seeking ways to help others release their pain and fear so they could live the Life they are meant to. A Life that is meaningful to them.


And here I am doing that every day- living the Life that is meaningful to me- and loving it!


One of my deep desires and motivators is for You to BE living the life You love, the life that is meant for You. Doing what You love with commitment and Purpose. That is what a passionate life is- BEing inspired…listening to Your Inner Voice and acting on it. So as well as Personal Consultations over the years I have developed events,  classes and workshops to offer you opportunities and ways for you to create this life. For You.