Notice and enJOY Your Progress!

What You Focus on Grows…



The New Moon occurred at 6.20pm Sydney time Friday night. That makes it an excellent time to focus on creating new goals. Play with this process to start:


Head hold and breathe (one hand on your forehead, the other on the bump on the back of your head then belly breathe IN for 4, HOLD for 2, OUT for 4, HOLD for 2, for 9 reps)


Continue to do so while imagining where you will be, what you will be doing and how you will feel while on holidays, at work, in your relationships, with your money, your health, your spiritual life and within yourself at the time of the:


Summer Solstice on December 22…the time to enJOY the rewards of your hard work and focus this year and to celebrate all you’ve accomplished;

At Christmas and New Years Celebrations

At the time of the Full Moon in 2 weeks: the time of completion for the goals you set on the New Moon


Write it all in a journal ( or your new High Performance Planner currently flying off the shelf here in the office), then put your vision into practice.


What You Focus on Grows.



In this Edition of Breathe


Phew! The last few weeks have been a doozy! And this time of Change is carrying it’s own opportunity to release, heal and Transform. BIG time.


Clients are taking this opportunity to let go of old, deep wounds, releasing lots of intense emotions (like anger, deep sadness & confusion), coming through their Personal Consultation lighter, happier, clearer on their direction and purpose, and inspired. This is indeed an extraordinary time.


Those already on track are achieving results that previously they would never have thought possible. In fact the most common comment I hear is ” Deb, when I look back over the last year I am amazed at how much I’ve done and how far I’ve come. Thank You.”


The important part is to remember to Reward Your Progress as you notice it, to keep the progress flowing.


You know I LOVE to help You make Positive Change and Goal Getting easier because it means you can BE Living the Life Meant for You.


So when are You going to make time for You, to become lighter, happier, clear on your purpose with the energy to make it happen? This is the perfect time to book your next Personal Consultation.


You can enJOY the energy of celebration, completion and the rewards for the work you have done. Now is the time to discover the energy and strategies to keeping the progress growing into the next year.


Meanwhile, as we near the Summer Solstice (December 18-22) …
Listen to your Inner Voice telling you, showing you what you need to Be Nourished.


Then grab your board and surf The Flow, You are in ‘the Zone’.

DO the work necessary. Focus on the detail. Dot the ‘I’s”, cross the ‘T’s”. Prepare for Completion. Then you can really enJOY the Rewards of the Harvest.


There’s a lot to be excited about in this Edition of Breathe including 18 GENEROUS Offers for Christmas from Deb’s Community to You, Deb’s Community.


Give yourself the time to read, inhale and enJOY the Offers.


And plenty MORE in this edition of Breathe to read and enJOY!



Keeping it Simple


As I was working away last week, a client explained, ” I studied what they said I should study, got the job they told me I should get, created the lifestyle they told me I should have. I am so grateful and lucky for my life and feel terrible because I feel passionless and purposeless”.


I responded, ” Well I’m so glad you dropped by today, I am The Queen of Passion and Purpose.” (Where did that come from? We burst into laughter!) ” I help people all day to find their Passion and Purpose and Live it.” So there you have it. That simple.


What part of your life can you simplify today?


Where can you “Call it for what it is”?



Be kind. And true to You.
