Pace Yourself


Hi! It’s Deb Here…


I LOVE this time of year!


This is the time of year we Celebrate our Spirit and the Rewards for following our unique spiritual paths.


It’s the time of year The Travellers return home to reconnect, restore and direct their lives. The clients living OS on their return, have started to visit to clear out 2018 and create the 2019 that is in line with their vision and truths.


Next the school children, their parents, the teachers then the corporates start to arrive to complete their year, recuperate and move easily into holiday mode and as they create their new year.


And it’s the time of year the “Annual Session” clients begin to arrive to complete 2018, integrate the learnings and prepare to step up into the 2019 they want.



Feeling Pushed? Pace Yourself


Feeling the push to complete projects?


All full moons are about projects coming to fruition. The Full Moon last week was the last Full Moon before the Summer Solstice, the big harvest of the year, so the pressure to ” get stuff done” has intensified.


Being a Gemini Full Moon we want to make sure we are communicating who we truly are, in our own voice, or dance step, brush stroke or unique style.


Remember to listen to your inner voice and act on it’s guidance so the right solutions can arrive at the right time in the right way for you in the highest good for all concerned. Be Present and grieve any losses.


Focus on the gratitude, love, joy, fulfilment and purpose your projects give you and they will continue to give you MORE. The energy is available for you to do all this now.


What You Focus on Grows.



Our brains are hardwired to the Seasons so although the calendar may say Summer starts December 1, our brains are wired for the Spring finishing on December 17, and the Summer starting at the Summer Solstice beginning December 18 -23.


Make the most of the energy of the next 2 weeks by tidying up and nourishing the parts of your life you want to grow, like your relationships, finance, health, education/learning, your spiritual life and at work.


Projects are blossoming and coming to fruition so you can harvest and celebrate the rewards at the Summer Solstice.


Need some help to do this more easily? Want to complete 2018 well and springboard into a great 2019? Reply to this email or sms/PM me to book your next Personal Consultation.



How do you Pace Yourself?


One way is to Head Hold and Breathe.


Over the years I’ve noticed those who most benefit from Head Holding and Breathing are those who have created a habit by adding it to the schedule on their mobile, practicing 3 times a day every day.


So start today…before you get out of bed to imagine a great day ahead, at least once during the day to let go of the stress, then before bed for a restful night’s sleep.


During my Corporate years I would go to the bathroom or boardroom to Head Hold and Breathe and return to my desk focused (and get more done), present and in the zone. You could start with 3 times a day for at least 3 weeks. Remember to schedule it in your phone.


Re-wire your brain so when you REALLY need to find calm, clarity and focus you will find yourself head holding and breathing.


Start by breathing into your belly, IN for 4, HOLD for 2, OUT for 4, HOLD for 2. 9 reps for Calm. For Calm and Clarity, Presence and Focus place one hand on your forehead and the other on the bump on the back of your head and repeat the breathing exercise.


It connects all hemispheres of the brain so they can work together to give a whole brain response bringing you out of the Past and out of the fear of the Future into Present time. It also activates the vagus nerve so you can visualise your new future and solutions while creating calm. Got 72 seconds Now? HHB



