Welcome to the solstice – let’s celebrate

Thought for the Season


“Whatever your particular path may be, it’s important to recognize that all are like rivers that flow to the same sea. The purpose of every path is the same: to brings us into communion with our own true Self and the Spirit of Guidance.”

– From Your Soul’s Compass by Joan Borysenko Ph.D/Gordon Dveirin Ed.D


Let’s Celebrate!


For many, 2017 has been a difficult year. And a year of transformation. Many life lessons learnt, self value increased, new healthy boundaries & habits adopted and Positive Change created.


A year when what is truly important in life has revealed itself either through grief or joy. A year of endings and new beginnings based on the learnings of the past.


This time of year for many faiths is a time of Celebration.


While Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, Jews have just finished celebrating Hanukkah or “Festival of Lights”, an 8 day observance which recalls a miracle in the Jerusalem temple.


On December 8 Buddhists celebrated Bodhi Day – the day Buddha is believed to have achieved enlightenment.  In September, Muslims celebrated the holy Id al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, immediately following the Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca, and the Wiccans celebrate Yule on December 21, which is where the term Yuletide comes from.


Celebrations of Light & Miracles!!!


Meanwhile, my valued clients and friends in the Northern hemisphere… in Chigaco, LA, London and Paris….are entering the Winter Solstice ( the longest night and shortest day) and prepare to enjoy the warmth of the hearth and to listen to their inner voice. The actual Solstice is Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 16:28 UTC…a great time to do the Solstice exercise below. And as always, each Equinox and Solstice event, you will also receive your own Winter Solstice Exercise too.


In sensational Coogee and the rest of the southern hemisphere, we are entering the time of the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night, from December 19 -22, in fact the actual Solstice is at 3.28am Friday 22nd….a fun time to do the Solstice exercise below.. The Summer Solstice is the time of celebration of the harvest… the fruit of the seeds sown in spring are NOW ripe for picking. We are ready to CELEBRATE and reap the rewards of our labours!


It is time to enjoy the fruits of all the work you have put into creating a Passionate and Spirited Life, to celebrate the release of your old thoughts and habits and to celebrate moving toward Living the Life You are Meant to!



Here’s one way to do that:


Solstice Exercise 1: The Spiritual Agenda


I have seen some amazing transformations, choices and been witness to some of your wonderful processes in the last year. Thankyou. I have watched your love and respect grow for yourself as you honour the light that is within you and realize your truth. Thankyou.

And at this most amazingly spiritual time I offer you a gift, the gift of…


The Spiritual Agenda


Life at this time can be fast, busy and an emotional rollercoaster. Before you start your celebrations can I suggest that you write a list:


“The Top 5 Important Understandings and Learnings”
that you want to gain over the next 2 weeks (that includes NYE).

They could be new understandings or learnings:

about yourself and your relationship with yourself, others and Life;

about family members or friends you conflict with;

about Life itself.

Then describe what that would sense that would bring to you….
peace, grace, calm, joy, love, completion?


Here are 2 examples:


“ It is now December 27, 2017 and all the Christmas visits are over. I have a new understanding of why I behave/ think/ feel the way I do about (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ situation/ etc) and I now have a sense of peace/ calm/ acceptance, etc .”


Or, “It is now January 3, 2018 and I have had a Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter. I have a new understanding of (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ etc) and why they are who they are/ behave that way and I have a new sense of respect for them.”


Why do this exercise? It helps set your Inner GPS toward creating the Life You are Meant to Live – filled with love, commitment, purpose, passion and Spirit. Let me know how it works for you.


Wishing you a loving, laughter-filled and Spirited Festive Season,



Love and Blessings,
Deb xxx