Breathe Newsletter

Creating the 2018 that was meant for you

Hi! It’s Deb Here!


WOW! What a fabulous time to be alive!


To take the opportunity of transformation! and heal.


All that chaos, doubt, messy thoughts and feelings you’ve been experiencing is your brain telling you to Pay Attention. That you now have the energy to release the stress of the past and the habits and patterns of thinking and feeling you’ve adopted to “Survive”. They can now be released more easily so you can “Thrive”. This is a transformation of healing. You have that Choice. Those of you de-cluttering, getting organised and integrating plans for the future into their life are living that Choice.


2018 numerologically and energetically is  the year for Passion and Purpose. This is The Year we have been working towards You and I! All the work we do here is to help you heal so you have the energy to step out of survival mode and walk your spiritual path and live your spiritual purpose with passion….love, commitment and purpose. And this is the year to be open to the unexpected good and receive it with Gratitude.


You’ve done the prep work. Now be open to receive the best in life, to live Your best life.


So listen to your feelings of imbalance, use the tools you have learnt here to find what You need to create Balance and Flow.


I’ve been booked to the rafters this week with those who have been doing that. The effects of this moon and eclipse will be felt for the next 3 weeks. If you’d like some help to start 2018 well and gain the most from this time come in for a Personal Consultation and/or to Meditation class.


In the meantime, enJOY the insights of this highly energetic time.


Supermoon RoseAnother way to look at Gratitude


Had you ever considered becoming best friends with your older, wiser self? The version of yourself who has created and is Living and loving the Life Meant for You?


MORE in the next edition of Breathe….


What You Focus on Grows…



Are you focusing on the chaos, turbulence and uncertainty?

Or the freshness of the new? The magic of beginnings?

The trust that the right thing for You happens at the right time, in the right way?

What You Focus on Grows



A 5 Minute Story


I am up early most mornings to get down to the beach. Seeing a sneak preview from my balcony, on this day I was excited to watch the huge swell and white caps on a steely grey ocean.


As I walked out my front door I was met by my next door neighbour as she left to go to work. It’s rare we get to chat so we took the time to chat weather, about the building repairs, that sort of thing.


She explained her job as a retailer buying strategist, deciding what was selling and what to buy, can save the company lots of money. She enjoys what she does, she’d been doing it so long… and has a really good team.


We agreed that being surrounded by a good team of people was core to job happiness and the hardest and most important thing to find.


I commented it the work of her team must be core to the business and appreciated and she agreed….except most of the bosses really didn’t understand what her department does, “What do they actually do here?” was asked often until someone explained upstairs and saved their roles.


I empathised noting that after 15 years in Corporate, that HR and Recruitment is was always the first department under scrutiny for cutting staff. She laughed, agreed it was the most underappreciated.


She asked how I got into what I do and how long I’ve been doing it? I had been studying each night and weekends for years around my day job always looking for the next step out of corporate that felt right for me. Eventually I found it, with kinesiology, and when I was qualified started working nights and weekends ( in Campbelltown, Macquarie Street in Sydney City and in Balgowlah) until I moved around in Coogee.


Replacing the old habit, studying what I loved, with the new habit of working at doing what I love. So it was an easy transition until I was ready to practice fulltime.


She asked “ Well it was worth it huh? Looking at that view all day, doing what you love?”


” Absolutely. I call it a Life by Design ( big smile). I LOVE the view and am so grateful ( She concurred. She does too). I was working in my first HR role in the City, 2 floors below ground and the air conditioning came off the carpark. My little flat at the time faced a brickwall. I made the promise to myself I would find a place to live and work where I could LOVE and share the view. A Life By Design. Now I help others to do the same. “


We continued to chat on her way to the bus stop, about the gym, meetings, her day ahead. Looking at the diary in my ‘work bag’ she asked where I was off to.


“I’m off to the beach for a Strategy meeting with myself”.


She almost choked laughing on the mouthful of water she was swigging. “I love it”, she declared, patting away the water she’d splurted from laughing.


“Yep, and sometimes I get the Employee of the Month Award”
“Sometimes? Are you tough on yourself?” she asked.
“Absolutely.  The toughest. REALLY tough boss. Enjoy Your day!”
She was still chuckling as she got on the bus.


The question remains: What design are you following to create the Life meant for You?

It’s a wrap

Hi There,


There is something about sitting around a fire that lights a sparks within us, comforts us, keeps us safe and allows us to share.


Ancient traditions knew this- the fire cooked their food, kept them warm and kept the wolves away keeping them safe from danger. It was there they would share stories, their traditions, their values and beliefs.


Dr Rachel Naomi Ramen, author of Kitchen Table Wisdom, talks about this in her book. “Everybody is a story,” writes Dr Ramen. “When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories. We don’t do that so much anymore. Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time, it is the way the wisdom gets passed along. The stuff that helps us to live a life worth remembering. Despite the awesome powers of technology many of us still do not live very well. We may need to listen to one another’s stories again.”


Growing up I fondly remember visiting each set of grandparents each week, sitting at the dining table surrounded by cousins, aunts and uncles and listening to their stories. A lot of very funny stories of their time growing up, some sad stories that taught me about grief and loss, many stories about their worries and how they were overcoming them, or not. I learnt a lot around those tables about how to live life, or how not to.


So as often as I can, about once a month, I share stories with you, some personal, some from the ancient traditions and wisdoms …Lao Tzu, Native and South America, the Sages and the metaphysicians like Shakespeare and Dr Suess. These stories are reminders to look at life a little differently, more positively and in support of your spirit, your true essence.


The following story was given to me with a dvd of “The Rise of the Guardians” as truly one of the very best birthday presents I have ever received – they speak to my heart and feed my spirit. For that gift and for the gift of taking the time to see my spirit I am deeply grateful. That’s what stories do- allow you to take the time to listen to your heart and spirit….it’s the most profound way to be healthy.


Now, because a gift shared is a gift that keeps on giving, here is part of the story for you. Enjoy!



A 5 Minute Story


“ The Wemmicks were small wooden people. All of the wooden people were carved by a woodworker named Eli. His workshop sat on a hill overlooking their village.


Each Wemmick was different. Some had big noses, others had large eyes. Some were tall and others were short. Some wore hats, others wore coats. But all were made by the same carver and all lived in the village.


And all day, every day, the Wemmicks did the same thing: They gave each other stickers. Each Wemmick had a box of golden star stickers and a box of grey dot stickers. Up and down the streets all over the city, people spent their days sticking stars or dots on one another.


The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint, always got stars. But if the wood was rough or the paint chipped, the Wemmicks gave dots.


The talented one got stars, too. Some could lift big sticks high about their heads or jump over tall boxes. Still others knew big words or could sing pretty songs. Everyone gave them stars.


Some Wemmicks had stars all over  them! Every time they got a star it made them feel so good! It made them want to do something else and get another star.


Others, though, could do little. They got dots.


Punchinello was one of these. He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell. And when he fell, the others would gather around and give him dots.


Sometimes when he fell, his wood got scratched, so the people would give him more dots.


When he tried to explain why he had fallen, he would say something silly, and the Wemmicks would give him more dots.


After a while he had so many dots that he didn’t want to go outside. He was afraid he would do something silly, such as forget his hat or step in the water, and then people would give him another dot. In fact, he had so many grey dots that some people came up and gave him dots for no reason at all.


“He deserves lots of dots,” the wooden people would agree with one another.

“He’s not a good wooden person.”

After a while Pinchinello believed them. “I’m not a good Wemmick,’ he would say.


The few times he went outside, he hung around other Wemmicks who also had a lot of dots. He felt better around them.


One day he met a Wemmick who was unlike any he’d ever met. She had no dots or stars. She was just wooden. Her name was Lucia.


It wasn’t that people didn’t try to give her stickers; it was just that the stickers didn’t stick. Some of the Wemmicks admired Lucia for having no dots, so they would run up and give her a star. But it would fall off. Others looked down on her for having no stars, so they would give her a dot. But that wouldn’t stick either.


That’s the way I want to be, thought Punchinello. I don’t want anyone’s marks.


So he asked the stickerless  Wemmick how she did it.

“It’s easy,” Lucia replied. “Every day I go to see Eli.”


“Yes, Eli. The woodcarver.  I sit in the workshop with him.”


“Why don’t you find out for yourself? Go up the hill. He’s there.”

And with that the Wemmick who had no stickers turned and skipped away.”


This is an extract from You Are Special, by Max Lucado and beautifully illustrated by Sergio Martinez, Candle Books 2004.



Be kind. And true to You.
All my best always,

Welcome to the solstice – let’s celebrate

Thought for the Season


“Whatever your particular path may be, it’s important to recognize that all are like rivers that flow to the same sea. The purpose of every path is the same: to brings us into communion with our own true Self and the Spirit of Guidance.”

– From Your Soul’s Compass by Joan Borysenko Ph.D/Gordon Dveirin Ed.D


Let’s Celebrate!


For many, 2017 has been a difficult year. And a year of transformation. Many life lessons learnt, self value increased, new healthy boundaries & habits adopted and Positive Change created.


A year when what is truly important in life has revealed itself either through grief or joy. A year of endings and new beginnings based on the learnings of the past.


This time of year for many faiths is a time of Celebration.


While Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, Jews have just finished celebrating Hanukkah or “Festival of Lights”, an 8 day observance which recalls a miracle in the Jerusalem temple.


On December 8 Buddhists celebrated Bodhi Day – the day Buddha is believed to have achieved enlightenment.  In September, Muslims celebrated the holy Id al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, immediately following the Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca, and the Wiccans celebrate Yule on December 21, which is where the term Yuletide comes from.


Celebrations of Light & Miracles!!!


Meanwhile, my valued clients and friends in the Northern hemisphere… in Chigaco, LA, London and Paris….are entering the Winter Solstice ( the longest night and shortest day) and prepare to enjoy the warmth of the hearth and to listen to their inner voice. The actual Solstice is Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 16:28 UTC…a great time to do the Solstice exercise below. And as always, each Equinox and Solstice event, you will also receive your own Winter Solstice Exercise too.


In sensational Coogee and the rest of the southern hemisphere, we are entering the time of the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night, from December 19 -22, in fact the actual Solstice is at 3.28am Friday 22nd….a fun time to do the Solstice exercise below.. The Summer Solstice is the time of celebration of the harvest… the fruit of the seeds sown in spring are NOW ripe for picking. We are ready to CELEBRATE and reap the rewards of our labours!


It is time to enjoy the fruits of all the work you have put into creating a Passionate and Spirited Life, to celebrate the release of your old thoughts and habits and to celebrate moving toward Living the Life You are Meant to!



Here’s one way to do that:


Solstice Exercise 1: The Spiritual Agenda


I have seen some amazing transformations, choices and been witness to some of your wonderful processes in the last year. Thankyou. I have watched your love and respect grow for yourself as you honour the light that is within you and realize your truth. Thankyou.

And at this most amazingly spiritual time I offer you a gift, the gift of…


The Spiritual Agenda


Life at this time can be fast, busy and an emotional rollercoaster. Before you start your celebrations can I suggest that you write a list:


“The Top 5 Important Understandings and Learnings”
that you want to gain over the next 2 weeks (that includes NYE).

They could be new understandings or learnings:

about yourself and your relationship with yourself, others and Life;

about family members or friends you conflict with;

about Life itself.

Then describe what that would sense that would bring to you….
peace, grace, calm, joy, love, completion?


Here are 2 examples:


“ It is now December 27, 2017 and all the Christmas visits are over. I have a new understanding of why I behave/ think/ feel the way I do about (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ situation/ etc) and I now have a sense of peace/ calm/ acceptance, etc .”


Or, “It is now January 3, 2018 and I have had a Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter. I have a new understanding of (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ etc) and why they are who they are/ behave that way and I have a new sense of respect for them.”


Why do this exercise? It helps set your Inner GPS toward creating the Life You are Meant to Live – filled with love, commitment, purpose, passion and Spirit. Let me know how it works for you.


Wishing you a loving, laughter-filled and Spirited Festive Season,



Love and Blessings,
Deb xxx

5 Minute Moment

Clients are taking this opportunity to let go of old, deep wounds, releasing lots of intense emotions (like anger, deep sadness & confusion), coming through their Personal Consultation lighter, happier, clearer on their direction and purpose, and inspired. This is indeed an extraordinary time.


Those already on track are achieving results that previously they would never have thought possible. In fact the most common comment I hear is ” Deb, when I look back over the last year I am amazed at how much I’ve done and how far I’ve come. Thank You.”


You know I LOVE to help You make Positive Change and Goal Getting easier because it means you can BE Living the Life Meant for You.


So when are You going to make time for You, to become lighter, happier, clear on your purpose with the energy to make it happen? This is the perfect time to book your next Personal Consultation.


You can enJOY the energy of celebration, completion and the rewards for the work you have done. Now is the time to discover the energy and strategies to keeping the progress growing into the next year.


Meanwhile, as we near the Summer Solstice…


Listen to your Inner Voice telling you, showing you what you need to Be Nourished.


Then grab your board and surf The Flow, You are in ‘the Zone’.

DO the work necessary.

Focus on the detail.

Dot the ‘I’s”, cross the ‘T’s”.

Prepare for Completion.

Then you can really enJOY the Rewards of the Harvest.


I was introduced to astrologer, author and teacher Tosha Silver through the work of Women’s Health Expert Dr Christiane Northrup Ob/ Gyn ( whose books connect Women’s Health and the way we think with the way we feel, with health/ illhealth and energy/ fatigue. They all come together to create a woman’s health or symptoms. I’ve seen Women’s Bodies, Women’s WisdomThe Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age create profound change in the lives of clients interested in understanding their cycles & bodies and wanting to learn more about creating health, passion and longevity.)


I am finding Outrageous Openness, Tosha’s first book, has an intensely profound yet subtle effect on client’s lives and the way they live their life…through their Divine Connection within.


This story is particularly timely for when the busy busyness occurring now, makes it easy to forget who we really are. Read on, and enJOY!


by Tosha Silver


A couple weeks ago, when I was in Hawaii, I slipped on a hiking trail and recreated an old knee injury from years ago. (I could insert a 20 page thesis here on Capricorns and knees but I’ll try to stay on topic:)) Anyway, thanks to acupuncture it’s been slowly healing, but the day after it happened I hobbled into the local health food store for help. I asked the cashier if anyone could point out what essential oils were good for a sprain.


She rolled her eyes and said, ‘The manager knows ALL about them but she’s super busy right now. You could go hunt her down in the back and If you’re lucky maybe she’ll give you a minute. But don’t get your hopes up.”


I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. ‘You know thanks but um…I. Don’t. Chase. ANYTHING!! And anyway, if I really need to know this, I’ll get shown another way.’


At that moment the lady behind me in a purple sarong, crystal necklaces, and an orchid behind her ear said, ‘Wow, so sorry for eavesdropping! I’m a naturopath and oils are right up my alley. Let me take you over here and show you which to get.’


And for the next twenty minutes I not only got introduced to the healing powers of cypress, peppermint and frankincense oils but made a new friend. (Or was she an actual goddess?)


So here’s how it goes. You NEVER have to chase or force it with ANYONE. Once Divine Order is fully called in, you give Love Itself complete permission to solve a problem using WHATEVER form She wants. You become open to receive, and follow where you’re guided.


And the Universe, well the Universe may just unroll at your feet (even when they’re injured:)

About Sex & Energy

Have you noticed the energy shifting? The pace and urgency has picked up this week as we move toward a FULL Moon this weekend, the time each month when goals come to fruition, especially those made on the New Moon when the seeds of goals are planted.


It’s a niggling, nagging then driving energy that affects our thoughts and feelings reminding us that life goals for the year are pushing for completion before the upcoming MAJOR completion for the year: The Summer Solstice is drawing us in.


Negative thoughts and fears can be coming up as a part of this process:


Fears that completion won’t be met on time

Tears and overwhelm that there is too much to do

Exhaustion from doing too much without resting

Feeling driven to keep moving and unable to ‘switch off’ and

Anger and frustration can be a result.


Please Remember to:


Head hold and Breathe to Calm, Centre and Focus

Water swish and stay hydrated to switch the brain on, helping you to find solutions

Rest when needed to re-boot your brain and heal your body

Listen to guided meditations (like those in the Shop on my website) to give your brain a rest so healing can progress, easily.


Our brain’s hard wiring is connected to the Ancient’s, when the Summer Solstice (December 18-22 in the southern hemisphere) was the Celebration of the Harvest. This is the time when the rewards of hard work are enJOYed with family, friends and community.


Farmers still work according to these guiding principles of Nature. It’s those of us in the City that can be disconnected from this inner knowledge.


Like swimming with the current rather than against it, connecting to this innate wisdom makes goal getting and change easier.


And You know I LOVE to help You make Change and Goal Getting easier.


That means you can BE Living the Life Meant for You.


So, Listen  and move WITH The Flow. You’ll BE in ‘the Zone’.


DO the work. Prepare for Completion. Then enJOY the Rewards and the Harvest.


There’s a lot to be excited about in this Edition of Breathe:

NEW arrivals in the office to help you with your Christmas shopping

About Sex


GENEROUS Offers for Christmas from Deb’s Community.


And plenty MORE in this edition of Breathe to read and enJOY!


About Sex & Energy


It’s party time and there’s a lot of sex going on! So before you play, consider this…


Do you ever have sex when you feel down, angry or negative and feel better afterwards?

Do you ever have sex feeling good at the start and then start feeling down, angry or negative?


Have you ever wondered what’s happening that causes that?

Or wonder where those pre-sex feelings/ thoughts/ and energies go?


Sex is as much an energetic exchange as a physical, mental and emotional exchange.


Sensational sex occurs when all your chakras/ energy centres (see pic above) connect with the person you are having sex with.


When one or another are blocked, so is the sexual flow and it becomes a chore, uninspiring, frustrating and unsatisfying.


What causes the blocks to the energy/ auric field?


Negative thoughts, stress, anger, fear, unresolved issues…your past and the past of the person you are having sex with can be locked in the energy field. When triggered by something as intimate as sex they can block the flow, or be transferred from one energy field to another.


Multiple partners, multiple energies….a very confused aura/energy field.


And as you share energy as a part of the intimacy of sex you can also share your bad mood, unresolved issues or ‘catch’ your partner’s bad mood.


So it’s time to be more selective who you have sex with.


Want babies? It’s important to remember that when a child is conceived it can carry the energy of conception.


What does all this mean?


It’s time to take a greater responsibility for your own mental, emotional, physical and energetic health.


A Personal Consultation can help you with all this and SO much more.


In the meantime, a salt water bath, shower or swim cleanses the aura/ energy field as does time in Nature or a sacred place like a church or temple.


Remember: Cleanse THEN meditate! An energy cleanse meditation will help a treat.


Want to learn MORE?


It’s time to become the Hero of Your Own Life. START NOW. Have your own back. Make your health and well being your no. 1 Priority.


If you have difficulty doing this, or constantly feel drained from putting the needs of others before your own, it’s time for You to come in for a Personal Consultation.


To Live the Life Meant for You.


Respond to this email, sms or or call me on  0408 600 410 to book an appointment.


In the meantime, Be Kind. And True to You.


All the best always,


Make the Most of the NEW Moon THIS Week Money Worries?

Making the Most of The New Moon This Weekend


My love of astrology started when I was 11 or 12 years old. Now, when I watch the impact the moon has on the tides at my local, Coogee Beach, and knowing humans are 70% water, when I see a theme of emotional patterns coming in with clients to their Personal Consultations I check astrology to see what’s going on.


This week was one of those weeks. In the lead up to the New Moon this weekend there have been a lot of tears, anger, descriptions of feuds and arguments leading to the release of intense emotions accompanied by feelings of self doubt, “wobbly”, “over it”, “resentful” and “like I’m checking out” this week.


By coming in for a Personal Consultation these clients have been taking the opportunity to heal and let go of the old hurts and pain as they surfaced, creating the way for a new and better life moving forward.


This weekend we are experiencing a Scorpio New Moon, a time of assessing what no longer works and letting it go so we can be open to receive the NEW and BETTER in our lives.


This can affect the way you think, feel, react, the people around you, your career, lifestyle, habits, etc that no longer support you in creating the life meant for you.


It is also known as the most emotional of New Moons and brings up unresolved anger, sadness, resentment, bitterness, jealousy….so if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck it would be a good time to come in for a Personal Consultation to keep you in the Flow of progress.


Of course, LLP Grads can revisit ” The Strategy” in their Living Life Passionately workbook, and along with Ignite Your Heart and Masterful Getting Grads You can use the Visioning exercises you learnt in your workshop and check-in with any old Visions and updating them AND create NEW ones!


Want a quick and easy way to release the most annoying thoughts (which are creating your intense feelings)? Write out the stories running around your thoughts, rip them up, Head Hold and Breathe for at least 9 reps while imagining you are vacuuming the emotions and thoughts and pain from your body. Imagine a way to destroy the vac … throw it into a volcano, dissolve it with acid, send it to the sun in a rockship. BOOM! Gone! Then imagine and create new Visions of  Your Future and write them down.


Repeat to keep the progress moving and by releasing the old and bring in the NEW and BETTER.


A New Moon is also THE BEST time to plant the seeds of the goals we Vision.


That makes this an EXCELLENT weekend to create NEW Visions of your future for Christmas, Your Holidays, and 2018.


More information on the Scorpio New Moon here “Lunascope Scorpio New Moon”


Plus! a link from another quality resource Brendon Bouchard, author of High Performance Habits.


Watch “The Power of Personal Responsibility…How to Get Your Sh*t Together” here


And plenty MORE in this edition of Breathe to read and enJOY!


Meditation Class on Wednesdays


Now in their 20th year I LOVE facilitating the ( Guided) Meditation Classes now more than ever, and the connection and guidance is evidence to this….everyone benefits!


Using kinesiology techniques to assist beginners and advanced meditators alike to go into a deeper, clearer meditation faster and more easily. The results are measurable.


Come along to Meditation Classes using kinesiology 7-8pm Wednesdays: make sure You Book! Be great to see you! Find calm, clarity, focus and a whole lot MORE. Clients Only Event. Bookings essential. $20 casual. Sms Deb before 4pm Wednesday to confirm your space. Please Remember: Cancellations/no shows after this time incur full fee. More info


What Are You Worth?


It’s a funny question this one. Most people believe that Others determine their worth, yet throughout my 15 year Corporate career in HR, Recruitment and Training I saw time and again that the way people thought and felt about themselves was reflected in the work they did, the way they presented and talked about themselves.


Most clearly it reflected in what they were paid.


Fear Around Money = Lack of Self Worth


This is living, walking talking SELF VALUE and Self WORTH. You are paid AND live the Life YOU believe you are worth. Which is why improving self value and self worth became the basis to all Personal Consultations and the Ignite Your Heart workshop. Because when you know you are worthy you become a magnet to Prosperity. People treat you with respect….because You respect You.


A kinesiology definition of Proud has nothing to do with having a chest and medals to pin on it. Proud in kinesiology terms is knowing who you are, knowing what you are about and comfortable in your skin.


While in Corporate I noticed  that those who were PROUD of themselves valued what they had to offer, were paid more and more in demand. They also had more to SHARE because they knew that no one could take away their most valuable asset…their Self Knowledge, their knowledge about themselves.


And that made them great Networkers. A key to being successful and gathering great resources and solutions.


Living According to Your Values = Self Worth


It has always fascinated me that entreupeuneur and billionaire Richard Branson has said that if he lost all his money, assets and businesses tomorrow he could rebuild in a year. Based on his resources: his knowledge, his mental and emotional approach to life, his business Network and his family and friends supporting him.


He always adds, that if he lost his family he would truly have lost everything.


Branson’s core value is his family and that makes it a core motivator. It’s clear in many of the candid photos he shares including those at his home Necker Island, he lolling under the palm trees by the ocean looking fresh, happy and relaxed surrounded by family and friends. Others pics show him draped in his kids as they play around and over him. He has created the life that is meaningful to him based on his core values.


That’s the foundation to everything I offer You: the Personal Consultations, Classes and Workshops – creating a life you love, having commitment to yourself and your purpose by LIVING from your Values.


Do You?


“First people,  then money,  then things.” Suze Orman


Money expert Suze Orman reports often that the No. 1 fear of women is that they will lose all their money, or never have enough money and will end up a bag lady.


Fear is a prime motivator but it keeps us stuck in Survival mode and doing what we  ‘Have To” to make ends meet or get things done.


I have been recommending Suze’s books for years to both men and women. They are excellent resources assisting to change your thinking and feelings about money and as a result you are then ready  to receive strategies she provides to conquer debt and great a rich life. Women and Money (Australian Edition), provides a 5 month plan to getting your finances in order and growing from the ground roots up.


Worried You’ll Miss Out?

That You’re Not Enough?

Or Never Have Enough?


The fear of missing out and not having enough is so common that for years I have worked with women and men to release their fears around money and to provide practical tools and resources so You can become friends with Your money and PROUD of your relationship with your money- that you know all about You and your money, know what it’s about (Money) and comfortable with your relationship with Money.


The Fear is SO intense that it creates a BIG fat refusal to even look at finances. Just as with your other goals in life,  your money needs attention to create a solid foundation from which to grow. When you want to be healthy you look at your diet and your exercise and you create a healthy balance that is in line with your values and your goals. It is no different with money.


YOUR money is YOUR money and it reflects in your Self good, or not, you feel about yourself.


Money gives you Choices and is an energy that allows you to do more, discover more…to expand your life.


Money worries create a feeling of No Choice, which in kinesiology terms means STRESS. If you are worried about money you need to pay attention to Your money and you do that from the inside out…what you think you are worth and what your life style is saying you are worth.


How Money Communicates Who You Are


What your posture says…are you brow beaten wanting to slump into yourself away from the world (FEAR) or walking tall, head high, comfortable in yourself?


Your behaviour around spending … do you buy cheap because you can get more because you are worried you won’t have enough (FEAR)? Or, because you KNOW what quality is worth? Buy wisely?


How do you share money with family and friends…buy gifts or meals and become upset / hurt they are rarely or never reciprocated (FEAR)? Lend money even though you can’t afford it (FEAR) ? How is this reflecting on your worth? Self respect? Self belief and Self value?


Money is a form of expression, it’s a way of communicating YOU. Your behaviour and the behaviour of those around you are telling you what you are worth – to You and them.


No More Playing the Shame and Blame Game!


It keeps YOU stuck. SHAME and BLAME are the key elements that block the ability to look at money clearly, paying attention to where it is going and how to grow it.


Time and again I have heard in clinic sessions, “But Deb, I am just SO embarrassed, so ashamed I don’t know how much I earn/owe/ spend or what my credit card or other debts are. I feel too embarrassed to talk to anyone about fixing my money situation.” So, you talk to me and we work with releasing the fears and blocks to you creating a healthy relationship with money.


Shame keeps us locked in a cage of embarrassment and horror that anyone will find out, especially that massive credit card debt. Blame is the other part of this BIG block…blaming others, the economy, the celebrity that endorsed the product, the bank, the boss. This stops you from growing from a mistake and using the learning to move on.


I know. I left a 7.5 year relationship in 2000 with a massive amount of debt because 6 months beforehand , instead of listening to my inner voice and leaving then, I made an agreement to give it another go and support my then partner in a business venture. For the next 8 years as I repaid the debt to the bank I whipped myself mentally and emotionally blaming him for not honouring the debt and blamed and shamed myself for ignoring my inner voice and knowing better.


When I realised that I needed to create a virtual bridge over the hole of debt I had built in my mind so that I could move on to greener financial pastures, I did. And the debt was repaid within 2 years…more easily and while building a thriving business interstate and internationally- living My dream and Purpose.


How did I do it? I accepted FULL responsibility for making a poor choice. No more blaming, no shame. That’s it.


FULL response- ability.


That allowed me to make a Commitment to Me, to my Purpose and Living the Life that is Meaningful to Me.


And that created a new sense of Freedom and New Beginnings.


Valuable vs Expensive Lessons


Everyone makes mistakes. It’s a part of being human and allowing yourself the permission to grow. When you were a child how did you learn you could do something or that you liked something? By tasting it, smelling it, playing with it, doing it. By making mistakes and learning.


The thing is IF you made a mistake and kept making mistakes that makes it an Expensive Lesson. It costs time, energy and money ( tastebuds, friends, hospital bills,,,,,) if you keep repeating the mistake.


On the other hand if you learn from the mistake so you never repeat it, you have created a Valuable lesson. And a life lesson that you can build on, that builds your self-esteem and self-worth and your confidence.


So, I had learnt a VALUABLE lesson.


You can either be stuck in the problem or part of the solution. Where do you want to be?


Living Your Financial Dreams…


It delights me now to see so many clients in their 20s and early 30s, many of them Living Life Passionately Grads, living their financial dreams.


Over the years many have come into Personal Consultations wanting to discover and release whatever is stopping them paying off the bad debt so they can create healthy financial strategies to buy their first property then investment properties – and SO many of you have fulfilled your financial dream, while others succeed at creating a prosperous life doing what they LOVE doing….all by letting go of the fears and limiting beliefs to create positive self beliefs and make room for a rich life. As defined by You.


We all have different financial goals defined by our Values. Living Life according to your Values creates value, and attracts the rewards. Bravo!


Others call or email me to make an appointment saying” it’s time to find The Money AND Fulfillment Deb” when wanting a new and better job.


BRAVO! to the many of you who are now living what was a dream.


Remember, once we discover and release the belief systems, fears, emotional and energetic patterns stopping you from creating the healthy financial life you want – you can start to use the wealth of information you have stored all these years to really activate your plans and ADD to them.


Is stressing and worrying about money working for you?

What VALUE do you place on changing that for Yourself?

What are You really WORTH?

And are you LIVING it?


Be the Hero of Your Own Life. It’s time to START NOW.


Is it time for You to come in for a Personal Consultation?


To Live the Life Meant for You?


Then respond to this email me, sms or or call me on  0408 600 410 for an appointment.


In the meantime, Be Kind. And True to You.


All the best always,


Over It? Your Self Care Strategy

Quote of the Week


“I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modelled after our own– a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. “

ALBERT EINSTEIN, Living Philosophies


The “Busy Busy” time of year has hit! Clients are asking to release the stress, anxiety and frenzy of their lives, to bring in the calm, clarity and FLOW. So in this edition of Breathe you’ll find a wealth of Self Care Strategies to help support you through the busy season – to make it the best yet!


Clients are also asking for Personal Consultations to complete the year well in preparation for an exceptional 2018…lots of serious goals, fun and fulfillment on the agenda! So lots of “I’m Over It Deb!” and requests to clear the way for a healthy flow of finances, health, relationships and happiness in the New Year. Scroll to “I’m Over It” for more info.


And it’s that time of year that clients are heading OS for year end and leaving Blessings as they farewell, while the ex-pats are planning their appointments on their return home.


Such a JOYful time of year!


Wondering How to Make the Most of this Full Moon? 

FULL Coogee ocean pool on the full moon this morning! Locals commented they’d never seen the tide so high. Here are some tips to making the most of this FULL and highly energetic time.
EnJoy this energy this weekend to indulge the senses…

Indulge in Pleasure
A Taurean Full Moon brings fine food, fine wine, time connecting with good friends and family and self care indulgences. Make them healthy… walks in nature, massage and meditate to check in with what is most important to you and make it happen.

Sort Your Finances
Good time to bring your finances on track and release your financial fears (ask me how) so your financial decisions are positive and in support of you and your goals.

Respond vs React
Secrets and hidden agendas will also reveal themselves so sit with them before reacting so you can create a considered response that is in support of your highest good.

This is a sensuous moon.
So lie back, relax and enJoy! And use contraception if you don’t want kids


Meditation Class on Wednesdays


Wow! What a Meditation last Wednesday night!! This guided meditation lead the class to let go of their financial fears and worry to make room to receive and enJOY the Pleasure and Joy in Life!


Now in their 20th year I LOVE facilitating the Meditation Classes now more than ever, and the connection and guidance is evidence to this….everyone benefits!


Using kinesiology techniques to assist beginners and advanced meditators alike to go into a deeper, clearer meditation faster and more easily. The results are measurable. Come along to Meditation Classes using kinesiology 7-8pm Wednesdays: make sure You Book! Be great to see you! Find calm, clarity, focus and a whole lot MORE. Clients Only Event. Bookings essential. $20 casual. Sms Deb before 4pm Wednesday to confirm your space. Please Remember: Cancellations/no shows after this time incur full fee. More info


“I’m Over It!”


” Deb, I’m Over It” is one of the most common statements I hear from clients in Personal Consultations and workshops.


That’s a great time to utilise the benefits of Kinesiology to help you release the frustration and fatigue and  find the energy and clarity to get back on track and in the Flow.


The Top 5 Reasons why clients are “Over It “are:




Their body

Lack of meaning in their life


“I’m Over It” means:

“I’m stuck”

“I’m not getting anywhere”

“I know all this stuff and don’t put it into action”

“I am bored with my life – let me off”

” I want out”

” I want something new and better”


Sound like you?


Why Does This Happen?


When you keep repeating the same patterns of acting and thinking, although you know better, you are doing what the brain knows best – SURVIVING!


The brain is in survival mode at all times. It’ll do what it knows from past experience that will help you survive. And it knows what to do because you’ve done it before because you’ve survived!


So you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Or hitting your head against a brick wall.


How does Kinesiology help?


By telling me “I’m Over It” you are telling me you want to do things differently, want to think about life in a better way so you can get to the life that is meant for you.


That’s where kinesiology comes in: it identifies the patterns (thoughts, feelings or body habits) that you repeat when you get stuck and we use kinesiology techniques to release them.


You then develop the CHOICE to see and live your life in newer, better ways and more easily.


Are you “Over It”?


Is it time for You to come in for a Personal Consultation?


To Live the Life Meant for You?


Self Care Strategies


Are You Looking After Yourself?


We are coming into the busiest of time of year and for most of you it is the most taxing personally and professionally.


I have already started to see an increase in Personal Consultations affected by the high adrenal, “Busy Busy” syndrome, “How do I get it all done?”, perfection-oriented, anxiety and  stressed induced panic and exhaustion that comes with end of year. And it’s only November!


So here’s the Self Care Strategy to help you create a calm, flowing, productive, fulfilling and healthy time as you become even busier.


Please contact me for a Personal Consultation if you’d like to get to the root cause of your  high adrenal, ” Busy Busy”, “How do I get it all done?”, perfection-oriented, anxiety and  stressed induced panic and exhaustion. Or if you’d like some Calm, Clarity and Focus to get you and keep you on track.


The Strategy


The Self Care Strategy was created many years ago and has evolved since. So once you “Get It” fine tune it for yourself.


It satisfies the brain, calms your adrenals and feeds your spirit knowing you have a process to care for yourself.


The idea is this…you have these strategies to support you while  you are focusing on your goals. Then BOTH You and the Goals are looked after.


Who Uses these Tools?


Mum’s post- Fund Raising Events, actors during and between play/ production runs, executive management at and after financial year, teachers at end of term, students during and after exams.


It is a useful way to support yourself throughout the Main Event and helps you to recuperate after a massive event, like end of year or Christmas.


Your THRIVING Self Care Tool Kit


Use while in Main Event Mode


While the event is in full –on mode it is great to have a strategy to remind yourself to support yourself as well as being highly productive at work. Here are suggestions from client lists over the years:


“Work strategies to keep healthy in body and mind when I get busy so I can recuperate quickly and efficiently



Have regular weekly salt baths at home.

Keep up regular dose of appropriate vitamins and supplements,

Ensure your home is regularly stocked with lots of fresh fruit and veggies.


Reduce/ remove sugar and coffee

Avoid alcohol and drugs as a way of unwinding/ numbing

Daily exercise routine.


Drink of water

Take time out to be in NATURE

Go to bed earlier

Attend regular osteo/acupuncture, kinesiology and massage



Cleanse house routine with sandalwood/frankincense/myrhh incense 1 x week while busy

Take time out to have technology free days/hours



Keep up regular meditation practice. Do Deb’s nurturing and cleanse & protect on my ipod. Attend classes where possible with deb or through my yoga school.

Speak nicely to myself…it I wouldn’t say it to my best friend or worst enemy I stop saying it to myself!


Journal. Rip up the negative, keep the positive…get excited when you resist- there is something juicy to shift!

Keep up gratitude diary. Every day 5 things that I am grateful for. Focus on the positive.


Keep up regular sessions with Deb, and my other support crew members especially when things get overwhelming, don’t forget there are systems of support available, don’t try to FIX everything myself. It is ok to ask for help.


Make enough quality time for my relationship to thrive. “


So, as you can see, part of this process is to make time for yourself to do what fills you up.


It also includes making time each day to spend by yourself. Just 20 minutes makes a HUGE difference, just breathing, taking in the scenery, being grateful, noticing how you are feeling and making self care choices moving forward.


Choices that nourish you and fill you up.


Suggestions for Post Event Self Care Tool Kit


Create a list of your favourite self care activities, even make up a self care bundle so it’s there waiting for you to enjoy after the event! Here’s some ideas:


Breaky at a favourite café noticing what’s happening around you, joining the rest of Life

Nurture Yourself in Nature: take a gentle walk surrounded by water, trees and wildlife

Kinesiology session to assist recuperation, clear old blocks keeping you stuck in old behaviour so you can step into success and FLOW mode!


Barry Goldstein’s Heart Codes: lovin’ it!

See a movie at a different cinema: I saw the movie Salinger last week, the story of author of Catch in the Rye- just great!


Visit the Harbour Bridge- always good to marvel at the Bridge!

Secret Biz: stuff you love doing by yourself. Your secret pleasures.

Read supportive gentle work: eg. Sonia Choquette, Travelling at the Speed of Love reminded me where I got this strategy! Haha, so I could share it with you today!

Watch a DVD…that fills you up


So make some time for You, to create your Strategy for Success by Self Support while the pump is on, and the Post Event Nurturing Strategy after the project is complete. It can fill you up and support you when you don’t have the energy to think what you need to do, it’ll be all ready to remind you!


Now that’s gentle and easy!


Let me know if you have any questions or comments- it’s always good to hear from you.


Looking forward to seeing you in an appointment, class or workshop soon.


Be kind and true to You,


Great Ideas? No Follow Through? Read on!

Quote of the Week


“Do not lose hold of your dreams or asprirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.”

Henry David Thoreau


Hi There! It’s Deb Here…

In this Edition of Breathe


I often hear stories of great ideas, lots of talking and very little or no action. When I ask the reason why, the explanation is often ” It’s weird, I don’t have the energy Deb”, ” I am excited but have no motivation”, and ” I am the problem solver in my group and I have no energy to get myself sorted”. If this sounds like you scroll to “Great Ideas? No Follow Through? What Do You Want to Create?”


You’ll also find an abundance of Special Offers from Deb’s Community as a Celebration of Spring! They finish October 31, 2017 so be quick!


And plenty MORE to read and enJOY!


Congratulations to the Masterful Goal Getters!


Bravo to an innovative and inspired Masterful Goal Getting group last Sunday! Wow! What a workshop! The learnings kept revealing themselves as your curiosity about the Life Meant For You opened up and evolved, giving you the planning skills to make it happen. A BIG PurposeFUL Life. Awe-inspiring!


Meditation Class on Wednesdays


Now in their 20th year I LOVE facilitating the Meditation Classes now more than ever, and the connection and guidance is evidence to this….everyone benefits!


Using kinesiology techniques to assist beginners and advanced meditators alike to go into a deeper, clearer meditation faster and more easily. The results are measurable. Come along to Meditation Classes using kinesiology 7-8pm Wednesdays: make sure You Book! Be great to see you! Find calm, clarity, focus and a whole lot MORE. Clients Only Event. Bookings essential. $20 casual. Sms Deb before 4pm Wednesday to confirm your space. Please Remember: Cancellations/no shows after this time incur full fee. More info


Tired of Empty Promises, Pain & Blame?


Tired of the same old stories of pain and blame in relationships? Disappointed by empty promises? It’s time you let go of the habits of the past, and connect with your Divine masculine & feminine to create the connections your heart longs for.


IYH2 gives us the opportunity to heal ourselves of painful pasts, letting go of the habits and negative patterns, to create happy, healthy self and balanced, healthy relationships. And the energy to find reasons for JOY and Gratitude in life.


Come along to the NEW Ignite Your Heart 2 workshop on Sunday November 5,2017!

BOOK NOW to secure Your Place. Scroll for details.


Looking forward to sharing the benefits and insights this NEW workshop holds.


Great Ideas? No Follow Through?

What Do You Want to Create?


One of my fondest memories growing up was being at the kitchen table surrounded by aunts, uncles, grandparents with my cousins, parents, sister and brother. After the meal,  which was filled with lots of laughter and funny stories, the kids would go out and play and while I was washing up (with one of the other kids drying) I would overhear the adult conversations about their worries, gripes about Life, the world and concerns about their health.


The recurring question moving through my head was “Why don’t they DO something about it?!” And of course when the question would get the better of me and BURST forth or I would offer a suggestion, I would be hurriedly removed from the room with, “You don’t understand, you are just a child, wait ‘til you are grown up”.


Well, it took me a lot of curiosity, study and research to discover Kinesiology and something called  Motivation for Change. When it is low, there is no energy to create the change you desire. In fact, there may not be enough energy to know what you do want. You just know something has to change. But what?


When the Motivation for Change energy increases you find your own solutions and have the energy to make them happen. No more just talking about them!


So, if you are feeling stuck, keep starting projects and then stopping , talking about stuff and never acting on it…or just know things need to change and want clarity as to where to start- it’s time to book an appointment and Personal Consultation.


If you have an idea of what you want and are looking for clarity, guidance and tools on what’s the Next Step and how to get there…come along to a Living Life Passionately or it’s Masterful Goal Getting workshops!


In the meantime, keep asking “ What do I want to Create?”


Then, get cracking! Or give me a call.


Be Kind. And true to You.

All the best always,


About Forgiveness, 5 Minute Moment

Quote of the Week


“Humanity’s task: to create a field of light so bright, a wave of love so powerful, and a push for change so palpable that anything and everything that stands in its way will fall of its own dead weight.”

Marianne Williamson


Hi There! It’s Deb Here…


In this Edition of Breathe


I’ve been hearing from many who feel overwhelmed by the pain in their life, feel defined and limited by it. Is this You too?


In this week’s Breathe newsletter we provide an insight on the pain and the benefits of Forgiving, yourself and others. And of course if you need help doing this, please ask me.


You’ll also find an abundance of Special Offers from Deb’s Community as a Celebration of Spring! They finish October 31, 2017 so be quick!


And plenty MORE to read and enJOY!


Congratulations to the NEW Living Life Passionately Grads!


Bravo! to the NEW LLP Grads for their Bravery, Openness, Heart-filled Integrity and Commitment to Creating Results ( including those in the pic and those who chose to stay anon). You are Amazing! Thank You for an extraordinary LLP workshop! Be Proud.


Connecting to the Heart Exercise from Day 2 of Living Life Passionately:


Place both hands on your heart and breathe into it to as you listen to this. It will supercharge your heart. EnJoy! Josh Groban You Are Loved


Gone Retro

Will You Be Living Life Passionately at 71 years of age?

Time to start practicing Now


I was fortunate to see Justin Haywood from the Moody Blues for One Night Only live in concert at a packed State Theatre in Sydney this week.


A voice of his times in the 60s, 70s and 80s Justin Haywood (now 71)  and the Moody Blues were the sound of hope, sanity and innovation during a time of great uncertainty and change.


Receiving a passionate standing ovation from the still deeply committed fans for  Knights in White Satin and equally enthusiastic applause to Forever Autumn from the original and epic War of the Worlds. The song that most touched me for it’s current relevance was Question …which lead me to ask a whole bunch of questions about passion and purpose.


What do you expect to be doing when You are 71 years young/old? Remember What You Focus on Grows.  Like Justin Haywood you need to start practicing early. NOW is early enough. If you haven’t already. Practice creates the Master.


Meditation Class Return on Wednesdays


Wow! What a night ! What a class!


A BIG Thank You to all those present at the 1st Meditation Class this week. Talk about making the most of the New Moon energy! It was so much fun everyone is coming back next week. So only 3 places next Wednesday. Have You Booked?


Now in their 20th year I LOVE facilitating the Meditation Classes now more than ever, and the connection and guidance is evidence to this….everyone benefits!


Using kinesiology techniques to assist beginners and advanced meditators alike to go into a deeper, clearer meditation faster and more easily. The results are measurable. Come along to Meditation Classes using kinesiology 7-8pm Wednesdays: make sure You Book! Be great to see you! Find calm, clarity, focus and a whole lot MORE. Clients Only Event. Bookings essential. $20 casual. Sms Deb before 4pm Wednesday to confirm your space. Please Remember: Cancellations/no shows after this time incur full fee. More info


Relationships are in the Spotlight


The skies are showing us what is just and unjust, what is fair and unfair, where the manipulations and controls are being exerted.


This gives us the opportunity to heal ourselves of painful pasts, letting go of the habits and negative patterns, to create happy, healthy self and balanced, healthy relationships. And the energy to find reasons for JOY and Gratitude in life.


Which is exactly what we’ll do in the NEW Ignite Your Heart 2 workshop on Sunday November 5,2017! Early Bird Offer FINISHES on Wednesday, so BOOK now to secure the Offer and Your Place. Scroll for details. It’d be great to see you receiving the benefits of this NEW workshop.


A 5 Minute Moment on Forgiveness


EnJoy this Spiritual story…


The Little Soul and the Sun

A Children’s book by Neale Donald Walsch


Part 1


There once was a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul and so, anxious for experience.

“I am the light” it said. “I am the light”


Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it, could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand and every soul was magnificent and every soul shone with the brilliance of God’s awesome light. So the little soul was as a candle in the sun.


In the midst of the grandest light, of which it was part, it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it really is.


Now it came to pass that this soul yearned and yearned to know itself. So great was it’s yearning that God one day said,


“Do you know little one, what you must do to satisfy this yearning of yours?”

“Oh, what, God? What? I’ll do anything!” the little soul said.

“You must separate yourself from the rest of us” God answered, “and then you must call upon yourself the darkness”

“What is the darkness, o Holy One?” the little soul asked.

“That which you are not” God replied and the soul understood.


And so this the soul did, removing itself from the ‘ All ‘ going even unto another realm. And in this realm the soul had the power to call into it’s experience all sorts of darkness. And this it did.


Yet in the midst of all the darkness did it cry out,

“Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?”


God replied: “Even has have you, in your blackest times. Yet I have never forsaken you, but stand by you always, ready to remind you of Who You Really Are; ready always ready, to call you home.

Therefore be a light unto the darkness and curse it not. And forget not who you are in the moment of your encirclement by that which you are not. But do praise to the creation even as you seek to change it.


And know that what you do in the time of your greatest trial can be your greatest triumph.

For the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are – and Who You Want to Be.


Part 2


God said to the little soul, “You may choose to be any Part of God you wish to be. You are absolute divinity experiencing itself. What aspect of divinity do you now wish to experience as You?”


“You mean I have a choice”, asked the little soul.


God answered, “Yes. You may choose to experience any aspect of divinity in, as and through you.”


“Okay,” said the little soul, “then I choose forgiveness. I want to experience myself as that aspect of God called complete forgivness.”


Well this created a little challenge, as you can imagine. There was no one to forgive. All God had created was perfection and love.


“No one to forgive?” asked the little soul, somewhat incredulously.


“No one,” God repeated. “Look around you. Do you see any souls less than perfect, less wonderful than you?”


At this the little soul twirled around and was surprised to see himself surrounded by all the souls in heaven. They had come from far and wide throughout the kingdom, because they heard that the little soul was having an extraordinary conversation with God.


“I see none less perfect than I!” the little soul exclaimed. “Who, then, shall I have to forgive?”


Just then another soul stepped forward from the crowd.


“You may forgive me” said this friendly soul


“For what?” the little soul asked.


” I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive,” replied the friendly soul.


“But what? What could you, a being of such perfect light do to make me want to forgive you?” the little soul wanted to know.


“Oh,” smiled the friendly soul, “I’m sure we can think of something.”


“But why would you want to do this?” The little soul could not figure but why a being of such perfection would want to slow down it’s vibration so much that it could do something ‘bad’.


“Simple,” the friendly soul explained, “I would do it because I love you. You want to experience yourself as forgiving, don’t you? Besides you’ve done the same for me.”


“I have?” asked the little soul.


“Of course, don’t you remember? We’ve been All Of it, you and I. We’ve been the Up and the Down of it, and the Left and the Right of it. We’ve been the Here and the There of it, and the Now and the Then of it. We’ve been the Big and the Small of it, the Male and the Female of it and the Good and the Bad of it. We’ve been the All of it.”


“And we’ve done it by agreement, so that each of us might experience ourselves as the grandest part of God. For we have understood that…

‘In the absence of that which You Are Not, that which you Are, is Not’.

‘In the absence of cold you cannot be warm, in the absence of sad you cannot be happy. Without a thing called evil, the experience you call good cannot exist’.

‘If you choose to be a thing, something or someone opposite to that has to show up somewhere in your universe to make that possible.’


The friendly soul then explained that those people are God’s Special Angels and these conditions God’s Gifts.

“I ask only one thing in return,” the friendly soul declared.

“Anything, Anything,” the little soul cried. He was excited now to know that he could experience every divine aspect of God. He understood now, The Plan.


“In the moment that I strike you and smite you,” said the friendly soul, “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine – in that self same moment…remember Who I Really Am.”


“Oh, I wont forget!” promised the little soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”


The question is …do You remember?


If you are working and working at something and not getting anywhere, if you are fighting to be right or struggling to heal an intensely deep pain from a great wrong, ask yourself who you need to forgive.


Just say to the Universe, to who ever you believe is Divine, ” It’s over to you. This is far too painful, too difficult. Show me who, what and how to forgive so I can be free of this pain. Show me the next step.” Repeat it often.


Accept that your next step may be silence. Or doing nothing. Or that some things you may never know; some questions you may never find the answer to.


Accept what IS.


Listen, notice, recuperate and act when it’s time. The Divine will let you know. It has perfect timing.


Most of all, be willing to let go. And receive.


Be kind. And true to You.

All my best always,



Struggling? Surrender & Get Better Results

Quote of the Week


“If you live in a past dream, you don’t enjoy what is happening right now because you will always wish it to be different than it is. There is no time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. Not enjoying what is happening right now is living in the past and being only half alive. This leads to self pity, suffering and tears.”


Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book


Hi There! It’s Deb Here


It was wonderful to see so many of you take the opportunity to come in for a Personal Consultation over the October Holiday Long Weekend! Lots of negative thinking and unsupportive habits released to create the energy to meet SpringTime Goals! Bravo!


And right before Friday’s Full Moon, which is giving us the extra energy to clear out the past and enJOY the adventure of moving toward NEW, fun, exciting goals. So if you are feeling stuck…it’s time to book an appointment!


School Holiday FUN!


I’ve enJOYed a fabulous week connecting with teachers and kids on School Holidays preparing for an easier, more productive new Term when school returns next week. Working with clearing thoughts and feelings getting in the way of creating excellent results, enJOying learning, creating healthy, happy relationships with self, parents, siblings & friends and thriving while learning and in exam stress. BIG week and lots of fun!


It’s ALL About You


The skies are also creating challenges for worn out relationships, habits and communication styles, giving you the energy to heal them or let them go. So if you haven’t sorted out the old stuff in your relationships, they will be creating chaos to give you the choice to pay attention to create the necessary change.


Which makes it a good time to come along to LLP Day 2 THIS Sunday. Grads can do a refresher for $123.75. To remind you:


Day 2: 9-5pm Sunday October 8, 2017

  • Create a healthy heart space
  • Communicate your true self clearly
  • Become clearer in your life purpose, stronger in your personal conviction
  • Connect to your spirit

Lots of  FUN and learning about You! Only 2 places are available so contact me asap and book.


In this Edition of Breathe


Feel like everything is difficult? Like you are struggling or battling? In this week’s Breathe newsletter we look at the secret to Surrendering to get better results, with ease and grace. You’ll also find an abundance of Special Offers from Deb’s Community as a Celebration of Spring!


Feeling Overwhelmed?


On a personal note, if you are consumed with your thoughts and worries and overwhelmed by negative feelings please practice BE- ing Present and give yourself 108 seconds to head hold and breathe ( one hand across your forehead, the other across the back of your heed, breathe into your belly for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2…9 reps)  2-3 times a day to create clarity, calm and focus. If that doesn’t work you KNOW you need to come in for a session!


Be kind. And true to You.

All my best always,



The Secret to Surrender to Create Better Results


Over the years, in Personal Consultations and workshops, I have heard many stories of struggle: difficulties with money, problems with health, and challenges in relationships.


The work we, you and I, do here assists you to release the patterns/habits/fears that make life a struggle so that you can live your life more easily, giving you the energy to step out of the chaos and into the flow of positive change.


I have always loved sharing with you good quality resources that can inspire you to see your life differently.


One such resource is the book Life Lessons stories on what matters in life by experts on death and dying Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler.


My hope is you find their thoughts on Surrender helpful, practical and inspired:


“At any time we can all find a wonderful peace in surrender. Unfortunately, too many of us are afraid of it because it’s giving up or giving in, it’s a sign of weakness. But there is no weakness or pain in surrender.


Instead there is comfort and strength in surrendering to the knowledge that all is well, all is being taken care of…..The signal to surrender comes when we are exhausted from trying to control a situation or win a battle.


We surrender so we can let go of that death grip. To stop the worrying. To stop the constant fighting, which is so destructive. It takes us out of the moment, prevents joyful relationships, destroys creativity, and disrupts our happiness and contentment.


The struggle creates fear, which gives us the false belief that we must control every aspect of our lives, all the time. Now is the time to surrender, …to swim the current, not against it….


Many of us labour under the illusion that control is always good, that it would be dangerous to just let the universe take care of things. But is our control really necessary to the workings of the world?


We don’t have to wake up early every morning to remind the universe to make the sun rise; when we turn our backs on the ocean, the universe doesn’t mess up and make the tide go the wrong way….


The universe runs this amazingly complex planet, with all its flowers, trees, animals, winds, sunshine, and everything else, quite well, yet this is the power we are afraid to surrender into.


It may sometimes be hard to find the good or the lesson in a difficult situation; we may wonder why it’s happening. But there is often no other way for the universe to heal us except to present us with the tough situations.


Try to see it as what is, rather than what is bad. None of us really knows why events happen in our lives. The problem is that we think we should know; but living requires humility, for life is a mystery.


All will be revealed in its own time.


How do we surrender? How do we stop fighting? It is like ending a game of tug-of-war – we simply let go. We let go of our way. We learn to trust … in the universe, as we begin for the first time in our lives, to relax….


When is the right time to surrender? In what situations? Every day, every moment, and every situation is an opportunity for surrender. We surrender to a force bigger than we are when we are born and again when we die.


Between life and death we get lost because we forget to surrender. “


This is one of the reasons why, for years, whenever I have taught Goal Getting I have suggested you write at the bottom of your page of goals.


“This or something better will come to me in the highest good of all concerned”


It tells your brain:


This is the Vision I have created for myself, this is the strategy/plan I have set, and as I act on it I let go of the outcome, so that ‘the universe (that) runs this amazingly complex planet’ can bring you what is perfectly right for You.


Those who have done this say the results speak for themselves.


So, if you are working and working at something and not getting anywhere, if you are fighting to be right or struggling to be understood, let it go and surrender.


Just say to the universe ” It’s over to you. Show me the next step.” Repeat it often.


Accept that your next step may be silence. Doing nothing. Or that some things you may never know; some questions you may never find the answer to.


Accept what IS.


Listen, notice, recuperate and act when it’s time. The universe will let you know. It has perfect timing. You can ask the sun.


Most of all, be willing to receive.


Be kind. And true to You.

All my best always,
