Breathe Newsletter

Pace Yourself


Hi! It’s Deb Here…


I LOVE this time of year!


This is the time of year we Celebrate our Spirit and the Rewards for following our unique spiritual paths.


It’s the time of year The Travellers return home to reconnect, restore and direct their lives. The clients living OS on their return, have started to visit to clear out 2018 and create the 2019 that is in line with their vision and truths.


Next the school children, their parents, the teachers then the corporates start to arrive to complete their year, recuperate and move easily into holiday mode and as they create their new year.


And it’s the time of year the “Annual Session” clients begin to arrive to complete 2018, integrate the learnings and prepare to step up into the 2019 they want.



Feeling Pushed? Pace Yourself


Feeling the push to complete projects?


All full moons are about projects coming to fruition. The Full Moon last week was the last Full Moon before the Summer Solstice, the big harvest of the year, so the pressure to ” get stuff done” has intensified.


Being a Gemini Full Moon we want to make sure we are communicating who we truly are, in our own voice, or dance step, brush stroke or unique style.


Remember to listen to your inner voice and act on it’s guidance so the right solutions can arrive at the right time in the right way for you in the highest good for all concerned. Be Present and grieve any losses.


Focus on the gratitude, love, joy, fulfilment and purpose your projects give you and they will continue to give you MORE. The energy is available for you to do all this now.


What You Focus on Grows.



Our brains are hardwired to the Seasons so although the calendar may say Summer starts December 1, our brains are wired for the Spring finishing on December 17, and the Summer starting at the Summer Solstice beginning December 18 -23.


Make the most of the energy of the next 2 weeks by tidying up and nourishing the parts of your life you want to grow, like your relationships, finance, health, education/learning, your spiritual life and at work.


Projects are blossoming and coming to fruition so you can harvest and celebrate the rewards at the Summer Solstice.


Need some help to do this more easily? Want to complete 2018 well and springboard into a great 2019? Reply to this email or sms/PM me to book your next Personal Consultation.



How do you Pace Yourself?


One way is to Head Hold and Breathe.


Over the years I’ve noticed those who most benefit from Head Holding and Breathing are those who have created a habit by adding it to the schedule on their mobile, practicing 3 times a day every day.


So start today…before you get out of bed to imagine a great day ahead, at least once during the day to let go of the stress, then before bed for a restful night’s sleep.


During my Corporate years I would go to the bathroom or boardroom to Head Hold and Breathe and return to my desk focused (and get more done), present and in the zone. You could start with 3 times a day for at least 3 weeks. Remember to schedule it in your phone.


Re-wire your brain so when you REALLY need to find calm, clarity and focus you will find yourself head holding and breathing.


Start by breathing into your belly, IN for 4, HOLD for 2, OUT for 4, HOLD for 2. 9 reps for Calm. For Calm and Clarity, Presence and Focus place one hand on your forehead and the other on the bump on the back of your head and repeat the breathing exercise.


It connects all hemispheres of the brain so they can work together to give a whole brain response bringing you out of the Past and out of the fear of the Future into Present time. It also activates the vagus nerve so you can visualise your new future and solutions while creating calm. Got 72 seconds Now? HHB





Sorting Relationships

What You Focus on Grows…



Almost 10 years ago I was told by a gardener I greatly admired that, on inspection, my bougainvillea would never bloom and it was time to throw it out. Against all evidence to the contrary however, I could imagine it lush and blooming and believed it possible so decided to keep it anyway. Part of me knew what it was capable of, if only I could find the key. 4 years ago it was still struggling regardless of how much or little I fed and watered it. On one of our country road trips I saw a bougainvillea that had grown through an old, tall, dead tree and was flourishing at least 5 metres high. I excitedly called to stop so I could take a photo but we had over driven the turn and missed the photo opportunity. “I’ll send the picture of it psychically to my plant “, I chuckled. So every time I have thought of my plant since I reminded it how strong, beautiful and capable of thriving it was, thought of the huge, beautiful bougainvillea in the old tree and how thrilled I was to see it. Repeating the process over time brought new resources, new solutions, new habits that continued to assist the plant outside my office window to grow and evolve, then blossom magnificently for all to enJOY! The gift that keeps on giving. And reminds me anything is possible. What You Focus on Grows.



Sorting Relationships


Over the last 8 weeks or so, across Venus retrograde, I’ve seen many clients sorting out their relationships.


Some have stepped up and into the conversations they have previously avoided to “clear the air” to move forward together, or not.


Calling it as you see it and feel it, through your heart, and asking for more or different or better can be one of the hardest things you can do, whether in your intimate relationships, work or with your bank.


It takes the desire and willingness to discover what you do want, give yourself permission to ask, then find the energy and ability to communicate it.


As a result some of these relationships have progressed into marriages, marriage proposals, job offers and a number have reported their credit interest rates dropping.


All by getting clear on what they want, releasing the beliefs, feelings and habits keeping them stuck, then communicating their needs in a way that supports them and the future of the relationship. Just LOVE this work!


Another reason I LOVE this work is it IS all about You.


The Life you are living is the life You have created by what you value and believe, by the way you think, imagine and feel with intensity ( fear or love) and repetition. That creates the energy for action. Or not.


Either way you are creating Your life.


Want MORE? Different? Better? That’s where I have been helping clients for over 20 years. Ask me how.



Relationship Upheavals


What of the clients struggling with relationships…marriages, partnerships, friendships, families?


In the turbulent time of relationship upheaval, in the midst of shock, shame, regret, anger, sorrow and hurt are pleas for strategies to “make things like they used to be”. And that’s what keeps us stuck.


What if instead you asked for the right relationship for you, in right way, in the right time for your life moving forward?


Most recently clients have reported that the old habit of sweeping communication under the rug has stopped working and are asking for help to create new ways of communicating.


Others have found old, addictive behaviours re-surfacing, secrets being revealed and outdated roles causing major upheavals demanding relationships be re-defined.


All are asking for help to release the old patterns that no longer support the future and growth of the relationship so they can create healthy relationships.


That signals the beginning of the healing process. By focusing on the kind of relationship you want, imagining what it looks like and how it feels, repeatedly, as a new habit Your brain begins to move toward creating that new reality.


The first thing that becomes clear? All the roadblocks, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, fears, habits, behaviours and defenses you use to stop yourself creating the relationship meant for you. Depending on what you brain tells us is right for you through the kinesiology/ muscle monitoring process ( when my hand is on your arm during your Personal Consultation), we can start to release the patterns that no longer work for you to reveal who you are when you are no longer in fear and defence so you can Be Your True Self.



Who Am I?


When we are under stress, especially relationship upheaval, we can sometimes have trouble remembering who we are.


It’s little wonder. Advertising, social media, our family and friends are constantly challenging us to be who they want.


It takes the conscious choices we make in each moment to be true to ourselves.


Then something changes everything. Something major happens…someone close leaves, we lose a job, a diagnosis is delivered, a truth is declared or revealed to shine a light on any delusions or misperceptions.


The way we have been living, the way we believed life to be no longer exists.


The way we think about our life is irrevocably changed. The filters, the references we have used to perceive our life no longer apply. We ask ourselves, “Who Am I? With or without this Who Am I Really?”


You can make a thousand lists until you realise what you are asking is “What Do I Believe?”. What you believe reflects in what you think, and that affects the way you feel and the energy you have to do your life, or not. Your beliefs are physically manifested in your day to day living, in what your life looks like and how you live your life.


If the beliefs are negative or limiting thoughts they will slow you down, hold you back or stop you in your tracks and keep you stuck. Your cynical comments and sarcastic or self-depreciating humour are expressions of your beliefs. The brain never registers the ‘humour’. It hears everything you think and say and believes it to be true… You are your own No.1 authority.


Your brain will create what you believe about yourself and your world…whether filled with fear, anger, loathing, resentment, bitterness, self-doubt.


You’ll stay there until you turn the negative into a positive that supports you in who you want to be and what you want to do and the healthy relationships you desire…. loving, trusting, generous, curious, kind, expansive.


It’s your choice. And we know, when you focus on something you create more.



Victim or Vulnerable?


When something major happens we question our ability to trust or believe, in ourselves and others.


Feeling a victim is survival mode, constricting and diminishing you and your energy. It creates and shifts blame outside of yourself by defining yourself by your life experiences.


Instead remind yourself you are the beliefs about your life experiences, someone far greater than the experience.


This then leads you into the strength of BEing Vulnerable, healing yourself with openness to receiving the best in life, taking personal responsibility for your life and beliefs about life, and expanding into a desire to grow.


The choice is yours each and every moment.



Something Missing?


Yet, there is still something more.


Beneath the disrupted feelings, beneath the defensive thoughts, beneath the protective beliefs is that part of yourself that is calm, JOYful, light, peaceful and Love.


If we make time to listen to that gentle, soft voice within us it reminds us who we are.


If we ignore it or avoid the opportunities it creates to connect, learn and grow we can create pain…in our body, heart and mind.


We pay attention or pay in other ways. When we pay attention, the pain from our spirit eases, we find peace and begin to heal our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and body.


When we have difficulty remembering, our spirit reminds us who we are. It reminds us of our true nature, who we are in our heart of hearts.


Look for the Light


From this place we can radiate and grow. It is our Truth, Light, Joy. Essence. Pure Love that Connects us to the heart of others, to our true Life path, to Life itself.


We can access it through our thoughts and feelings using Visualisations, Prayer (asking the Divine) and Meditation (listening to the Divine) until we learn to access it directly within.


To make decisions that help life Thrive and Flow with ease we can ask, “Am I reacting from my humanity or responding through my Divinity?”


Then you can start to Know and Live Your Truth and ask “What MORE Can I BE?”



Be True. Be Kind.


Welcome to the Spring Equinox!

Quote for the Equinox


“Visualize yourself standing before a gateway on a hilltop. Your entire life lies out behind you and below. Before you step through, pause and review the past: the learning and the joys, the victories and the sorrows- everything it took to bring you here. Observe it all, bless it all, and release it all. For in letting go of the past you reclaim your power. Step through the gateway now.”


– Rune 21: Thurisaz , from The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum



Welcome to the Equinox!




We made it!


The time of the Equinox begins on Tuesday!


You know I love sharing resources with you to help you Live the Life You are Meant to. The Equinox is a great time to get busy Goal Getting starting with the next 3 months.


Bottom line? It makes the Goal Getting process a whole lot easier.


So I am sending this Breathe newsletter earlier than usual so you can have time to prepare for the Equinox Exercise to make the most of this time of transformation.


Traditionally this is a time of great opportunity to notice where things are out of balance in your Life so you can clear and re-organise and step back into the Flow.


The Equinox (Sept 18-23) is a time of balance – when day and night reach equal length before the days grow longer and the nights shorten. The Southern Hemisphere enJOYs the benefits of the Spring Equinox ( balance occurs at 11.54am Sunday September 23rd) while the Northern Hemisphere celebrates the Autumn/ Fall Equinox (your Equinox info and process will arrive in the next few days).


Many clients have been booking their Personal Consultations ( Remote and F2F) after noticing their increased resistance to change which makes life more difficult and painful. The more resistance to change, the greater the degree of difficulty. Once the resistance to change is released clients report they are able to live their life more easily, gently and in the Flow again.


As Life Priorities change and re-organise at this time, clients are booking with the desire to create healthy and positive relationships starting with themselves, to do fulfilling work and BE their true selves.


Using Neuro-Training/ Kinesiology techniques specific and unique to each person, clients are describing a new clarity of their vision and perception of life and a renewed energy for their projects.


Many have experienced their deepest fears surfacing causing them to block progress to where they are meant to be in Life. Fears currently expressed are about relationships,The Future, money worries, lack of motivation and energy for projects and ideas.


Neuro-Training/ Kinesiology techniques identify and release the fears at the age they were created, thoughts become clearer and Solution Oriented. Feelings of low energy and motivation (“so how can I move forward Deb?”) and feeling “not good enough” are released too.


Sometimes we forget what calm and clarity are until we remove the “tainted sunglasses” and can see life without the stress.


When the patterns of defence and stress, the fears, limiting thoughts and emotions are released your true self can be revealed. You begin to live from your heart of hearts and true nature. Your path becomes clearer, energy and money begin to flow again and you become more committed to where you are going, clearer of other people’s agendas and if/when they breach your boundaries.


This creates the energy to create clear boundaries, increasing Your energy for Your Life (vs feeling drained and derailed by others). Because you are back in balance and back on Your Path.


This time of Major Change brings impatience to start the NEW. So it is important to begin to support yourself with love and compassion. This gives you the energy, centre and clarity to do what you are here to do each day. Speak/ think kindly of yourself to yourself, give yourself a BIG self hug when you do something you are proud of and praise yourself.


To live in a kind and compassionate world starts with being kind and compassionate to yourself. Feed your heart and spirit. It gives others permission to do the same.


Spring carries the energy to expand into life, to embrace new opportunities and to grow. So as well as Sydney enJOYing the benefits of this powerful time of year, I will be visiting clients on the Gold Coast for Spring Equinox Personal Consultations, Meditation and A Spirited Life workshop (the Equinox balance occurs at 11.54am Sunday September 23rd- while in the workshop. Very exciting!) too. Please share the news with your family, friends and colleagues so they too can benefit from this work. Thankyou!


As the weather warms and emotions flow after the inward journey of Winter, it is time to weed the garden of your life. This gives you greater clarity to see it for what it is, what needs to be moved or changed and to see the possibilities for new pathways and plans.


EnJOY the Spring Equinox! Make time to notice and Change Your Thoughts to NEW ways of thinking, make time to smell the blossoms, enjoy the warmth, notice the new growth and Breathe….You are creating the beginning of Your brand new world!



Your Spring Equinox Goal Getting Exercise is below…



Spring Equinox Exercise


1. Find a piece of paper and “Dump” (write out in detail) all your worries and nagging inner thoughts that are consuming your time and energy at the moment. (5 minutes)


2. Rip It Up. When the brain sees thoughts written, it validates it and it thinks it real. Then when you rip it up it says to the brain “Okay, I can let that go now” just like you do with your shopping list.


3. Headhold and Breathe. Hand across your forehead, the other across the bump on the back of your head. Belly breathe in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. 9 reps


4. Imagine vacuuming the pain, queeziness, discomfort and stress from inside your body. Then imagine you are surrounded by a bubble of energy, full of muddy/ smokey stress-polluted energy . Now imagine vacuuming the mud/ smoke from the bubble until it’s clear and shiney. Put the vacuum in a rocketship and send it to the sun or a volcano- make sure it is completely destroyed. (LLP grads can amp it up and do the Defuse/ Infuse process from Day 1)


5. Now, give yourself 10 minutes.

While Headholding and breathing, imagine your life at the Summer Solstice (Dec 18-22) traditionally the time to ‘Celebrate the Harvest’ of the crop from the seeds (goals) you are planting in Spring and…. LIVING the goals and lifestyle you want as if it has already happened.
How is your life different? Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you doing it with? what do you feel? Where do you feel it? Place both hands over that part of your body and breathe it in. Imagine a colour and breathe it in too.

Give yourself a BIG hug.

Then write down what you saw. As if it has already happened.


Long term attendees of Equinox and Solstice Special Events report major changes over the years from doing these exercises each quarter and keep them in a journal especially for these times of major change. They have found it has made the change and goal getting FLOW and easier.


6. You are on the home run…last 5 minutes. Write an Action List of 6 things you need to do/ get started before September 23 (the last day of the equinox) to clear out winter, then plan, strategise and plant the seeds (goals) you want to blossom in Spring and harvest the rewards in Summer. Make it happen more easily by scheduling them in your daily schedule. Now, spring into Spring. Go do it!


7. Keep reviewing the process each day until September 23. When you finish the exercise each day light a candle and place it on top of your writing, thinking creative blessings and intentions saying “this or something better will come to me in the Highest Good of all concerned.”



Enjoy making the most of the Spring Equinox!

Feeling Impatient?

Quote for the Week


We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. We do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy.



Feeling Impatient?


Hold Your Horses!


It’s ALMOST Spring….


I am seeing and hearing a lot of impatience and ” it’s SO frustrating Deb” from clients as we head toward the Spring (in the Southern Hemisphere) and Autumn/ Fall ( in the Northern Hemispere).


The misperception is that the change of season occurs on September 1, when ancient traditions, and the hardwiring of your brain, recognise it occurs at the Equinox ( the balance of day & night) from September 18 – 22.


The first 3 weeks of September are the most topsy turvy and can be the hardest of the year as we search for the energy to complete the old cycle then begin the new. If the energy can’t be found to begin the new cycle, projects fall by the wayside and people leave.


You may be noticing the change in season as weather, sunlight and air temperatures fluctuate. Be patient. You need to wait for the energy for the NEW to arrive so you have the inspiration, motivation, vitality and strategy to create your new Life more easily. It’s close…just 3 weeks away.



The hazard is a ‘false start’, feeling exhausted, frustrated, undue stress, ‘pushing mud uphill’, and over-enthusiasm for the new then falling flat before it is ready.


Now is the time to complete the old cycle and prepare. Practice your meditations and visualisations to discover greater detail about your visions, like what conditions you need to optimize your results, what needs to be weeded from your Life, moved around, transplanted or rested so you can return to it later. Or not.


This needs to occur to make room for the new visions and goals in the garden of your Life.


When the time is right, when the momentum picks up, when the energy is flowing easily because you have removed the weeds (blocks, limiting thoughts or sabotaging habits) AND gathered the resources to support healthy growth… that’s the time to begin to plant, nurture and notice.


EnJOY the process and the benefits. And if you’d like some help with this, just ask me.



In Gratitude…


This edition of Breathe is unusually HUGE for one simple reason.


August 30 marks the anniversary of both Louise Hay and Dr. Wayne Dyer’s physical deaths…Louise leaving a year ago, Wayne left three years ago.


As I and many of you have experienced, spirits, their love and influence never die.


So this then is a celebration of love, joy and gratitude.


As leaders in the self help and healing movements for decades, Louise and Wayne have influenced and helped us change the way we think and live Life.


Both Louise and Wayne profoundly affected my life, creating a path as deeply caring human BEings who constantly sought and created ways to make a difference in others lives by reminding them, teaching and facilitating them to heal themselves from the inside out.


This principle lead me out of teaching and corporate, to kinesiology 30 years ago, then neuro-training and into Personal Consultations and the creation of the core workshops Living Life Passionately, Ignite Your Heart and A Spirited Life. All assisting you to heal yourself from the inside out so that you can live the life meant for you, that is meaningful to you, filled with love, commitment and purpose.


Below you’ll find my favourite personal stories of deep love, JOY and gratitude to Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer plus links to FREE podcasts from Hay House to celebrate their lives and work.


So make yourself a cuppa, settle in for a good read and EnJOY!



Thank You Thank You Thank You… Dr Wayne Dyer


American self-help author and motivational speaker Dr Wayne Dyer died 3 years ago this week at the age of 75.


Author of over 40 books including 20 New York times bestsellers and having appeared on thousands of television and radio shows, he also has 10 PBS Specials which have raised over $250 million dollars for public television.


His personal story of triumph over personal tragedy and poverty has become legend. After studying education counselling and clinical psychology, his writing and career started to turn towards spiritual aspects. His first book Erroneous Zones, written in 1976, is believed to be one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold around the world.


My life was first touched by Wayne Dyer’s work in the early 1990’s when a colleague in the HR department I worked in gave me a copy of ” You’ll See It When You Believe It “. To be honest I thought she had lost the plot. I now have great compassion and understanding for the frightened young woman I was then. It was the beginning of my journey, long before I discovered kinesiology, and I had a lot to learn.


As I look back over Wayne’s most famous quotes now I realise they have become infused in the way I live and the way I have created a life I love. So, Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! to Wayne for planting the seeds way back then to be open to learning and receiving MORE.


And Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou to You who have helped the seeds to grow and for allowing me to to share their fruit with you.


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer 1940-2015


The day Wayne Dyer died I received a wealth of sms’s and emails from clients, friends and colleagues about their tremendous grief, sadness and sense of loss, so the next day I shared on Facebook…


“In the early hours yesterday I felt a flood of overwhelming grief that signalled the passing of someone very influential to the evolution of the planet. I had the same sense when Mother Teresa left. So I sent blessings and love and asked the Divine for an easy and joyous transition for who ever They were waiting to receive. They were confused by the sense of loss. No one is ever lost They said. Be grateful. Celebrate their Life and their gifts. So I waited patiently to hear who had left, as I have learnt to do many times in the past. Surely at precisely the right time I was informed it was Dr Wayne Dyer and immediately visited my times of joy and learning and understanding with gratitude over the last 30 years my life has been touched by his work and his presence, kindness and generosity. His work is so multi -layered we need a lifetime to process and apply it. His influence can be with you that long if you so choose. Please step out of your sadness and into the joy he has brought to your life. With gratitude he can receive your love. Blessings and Peace to You All. EnJOY! xxx”


The response to this post was beautiful, heart warming and inspiring.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!



One of My Wayne Stories…


I met Wayne Dyer in the outreaches of the lobby of a huge hotel complex in Phoenix in 2009…just Wayne, his PA and myself. An extraordinary moment and conversation that I was surprised to hear him mention on stage in his presentation at the Celebrate Your Life conference an hour later.


At the time of meeting him I was struck by his earthiness, sense of kindness and his radiance.Yet within this was a huge black mass like a 3D ink splat in his energy field that confused me. Later that day at the end of his talk he announced he had been recently diagnosed by leukemia. A tide of shock, grief and love flooded the room. And he left.


A few years later he announced he had fully recovered and according to clients attending his recent 2 Day workshop in Australia he was full of vim and vigor.


So it was particularly touching to read Women’s Health Expert/ Ob/ Gyn Dr Christiane Northrup’s comment during that week ” ….And despite my shock and sadness over Wayne’s sudden exit from his body on August 29, the night of the Super Moon in Pisces, I feel such a sense of celebration for him and the way he chose to leave. Happy, healthy, dead. Just like he wanted it. Well done, my friend, well done. We will miss your giant presence and continual inspiration. And all the laughs. And will see you on the other side when it’s time.”


A great way to put it. Happy, healthy, dead. Nothing took him. He left. On his terms.

Now that’s what I call walking your talk, in this world and into the next.



Be kind. And true to you always,

Time To Let Go Of The Sadness And Guilt

It’s in Autumn that we prune the dead wood and let go of the habits and beliefs than no longer work for us, creating room for healthy new growth to establish before Winter.


What ‘dead wood’? Holding onto old regrets, guilt, grudges and losses is exhausting work. It holds you back from living the life you are meant to.


Autumn is the time in Chinese Medicine when the lung and large intestine energy is at optimum levels to clean up, clear out and re-energise.


So now is the time to clear out the sore throats and congestion from unresolved emotions of old grief and guilt. It can reduce your resilience to fighting off bugs and make you vulnerable to chest and lung infections. Feeling blocked up? You can use the energy of Autumn to sort out any lung or large intestine issues, more easily.


Ignite Your Heart grads could re-visit the Ribbon Cutting process to clear out unresolved grief and guilt from relationships. While Living Life Passionately grads can work with the Defuse the Negative and Infuse the Positive process. Alternatively you can book a Personal Consultation to release the deepest patterns unique to you.


About Grief…

Over the last few weeks we have been experiencing the power of Autumn to release and let go, and many clients have been speaking of feeling a deep and heavy sadness. This is the season that unresolved guilt and grief come to the surface to heal. Our society handles grief badly. We expect those that are grieving to move on more quickly than we are designed, even though grieving our losses is a part of everyday life, whether from the loss of a relationship, a friendship, a loved one or pet, or the loss of a job, car or home.


The intensity of grief and its impact on everyday life can be debilitating. The brain does generate hormones to assist with the grieving process, eg. to get through the funeral and its aftermath, help those divorcing to separate lives and those made redundant sort the paperwork and begin to think of a new life without the old.


And just as the grieving are beginning to catch their breath the hormones of grief that help them through this transition stage begin to subside at about 6 weeks after the loss.


Which is usually when the casseroles and support begins to wane, and the grieving are told in words and actions ” to suck it up” and “get on with it”.


In my office over the years the most common remark from those grieving is how badly those around them react to their loss…as if it’s contagious the grieving are avoided at all costs for fear of catching ‘the death germ’ or saying the ‘wrong thing’.


So, just when the support is needed, those needing support are at a further loss to family and friends who seemingly desert them.


The unpredictability of grief is a part of this….as a process it cannot be measured by a step by step process…’oh, so you are stage 1 and have 4 more to go’ cannot be applied here.


The healing process moves according to the available energy to heal. I have worked with some clients who have only started to grieve 20 years after an event when they have the energy and ability to let go and heal themselves. Others find themselves caught unawares long after a loss they through they were’ done’ grieving.


Being Present is the last thing most want to do while grieving. The pain of the grief becomes more acute when Present, for a short period of time. Yet when sat with, breathed through and released healing can take place more deeply than those who distract themselves with the Past or chasing the Future.


Profound healing occurs in the Present and head holding and breathing is the perfect exercise to assist you to do that and allow you to grieve. And it takes time.


From a spiritual perspective I have learnt first hand that death is the end of a physical existence only and that a spirit and their love continues as strongly as ever, as does the connection of love shared.


These are all good reasons to be Present, to look for moments to be Grateful and to Live the Life You are Meant to, what is meaningful to YOU. When You are ready.


Please email me with any questions or to book an appointment to help you heal your grief.


In the meantime, please be kind.


Wishing You the best of blessings always,

Time To Transform!


Become “Powerful Beyond Measure”


I have had the privilege to hear first hand the remarkable dreams and aspirations of so many clients over the years. And the key element that stalls their progress is the possibility that their dreams might actually come true.


Funny creatures, aren’t we? We spend so much time blaming and working through own inadequacies only to come up against the wall of our own power. Our own ability to create the Life we are Meant to Live. Our own capacity to fulfil our goals and desires.


The thing is, we are doing it every day. The day you are experiencing today is in fact the day you have spent every moment up until now creating by your thoughts, actions, behaviours and feelings. By your responses to Life.
So if you have created this day, why not step it up? Start creating something much, much better. Scary thought, huh?


What if you could be as happy, healthy, fulfilled and rich as you want?


Really, really scary, huh? What would you have to complain about? Who would you have to blame? What would there be to blame them for?


And then when completion of your goals was close to hand – what would you do next? Would there really be nothing to do?


Or would there be a whole new world open to you with choices available to you that you had not even begun to consider NOW?


At this point, feeling overwhelmed by your life today, it’s important to remember that every response, every thought and emotion you have YOU are in charge of, responsible for.


As Marianne Williamson and Nelson Mandela have both been attributed to say,


“ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Make the most of the Autumn Equinox, this very special Time of Change and Transformation, receive the benefits of this powerful time, create the change you seek in your life more easily. Be ready to Let Go of anything holding you back from being your most wonderful you.


NOW is the time for You to KNOW You are “ Powerful beyond Measure.”



Autumn Equinox Let it Go Exercise


By doing this exercise at this time of year you can access the energy of the Autumn Equinox and the heightened spiritual energy of this time, you can let go and step forward into the life meant for you… gently, easily, lovingly and well supported.


1. Swish water around your mouth to wake up the brain then follow it with a normal mouthful of water to hydrate.


2. Headhold and Breathe…place your hand across the forehead and the other hand across the bump on the back of you head. This adds blood flow to the frontal lobe and calms the limbic system (home of emotions), also to the back brain…bringing you into Present Time. Headholding and breathing helps all quadrants of the brain to talk to each other. So instead of a fear reaction it gives you a Whole Brain response….centred, ground, focused, calm.


3. Now BREATHE through your NOSE: In for 4, hold for 2, OUT for 4, hold for 2 and repeat 9 times. The 3rd time you may feel more agitated/upset. The 6th breath you may feel fine. On the 9th breath you activate a deep relaxation response that allows you to imagine a future different from the past. Notice.


4. Now take a sheet of paper and write a Life Review:

Write any old memories that are surfacing, the Equinox will bring up ancient memories to help us make sense and heal from them. Take the time to write everything you remember from this time including your feelings, and the times since that it has become a problem for you. Write them all down then rip them up. Now is the perfect time to let them go.


Now take note of your current life…what is working and what doesn’t work in your life? Decide what you will take on this journey of your life moving forward. Then lighten the load. What more can you leave behind? Simplify. What old stories, old definitions of yourself, old self images can be left behind? Write them out and rip them up. Take only what you need moving forward.


5. Headhold and breathe, in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. Repeat 9 times.


6. Imagine the energy field around your body filled with smog, mud, sludge. Imagine a celestial vacuum cleaner zooming around you cleaning your energy field of any emotional residue –wherever you feel heavy, sick, sad, angry in your body, let the vacuum cleaner clean it up. When it’s gone and you feel lighter DESTROY the vac. Send it to the sun, into a volcano, put it in a vat of acid. Nothing is to remain, it must be completely destroyed. Notice that your energy field is crystal clear and light, if not then repeat.


7. Headhold and breathe, swish some water.


8. Now begin to imagine what life will be like in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 10 years into the future. How do you walk, talk, hold yourself at this time? What are you doing at this time that is evidence that your life has changed? Write it down, the brain loves detail, so write it all down. The scene, the sense you get (eg. calm, fulfilled, at peace..)


9. Notice where you feel it in your body, breathe into that space in your body. Remember what you focus on grows, so feel that sense growing. Give it a colour- the first that comes to mind. Imagine it, feel it filling that space.


10. Now, give yourself a BIG self hug.


11. Next, now you know where you are heading focus on your life now.
Ask yourself…”In my Life now and moving forward where is ….”
The Joy
The Love
The healing
The laughter
The challenge
The triumph
The passion
The commitment
The purpose
Your spirit?
Write it all down.


12. Your challenge if you choose to accept it is re-read/ revisit/ expand on this exercise once a day for 7 days. Take advantage of the Autumn Equinox and the spiritual energy to clean out the old wounds to self heal & nourish so you have the energy , vitality and clarity to create the healthy, loving life you are seeking….the Life Meant for You.



Be Kind. And True to you always,

Power Of Influence

Every now and again I describe the current events in the skies and the way they can influence our thoughts, feelings and the way we are living.


When I notice particular patterns repeating themselves one client after another I look to astrology to see if we are being influenced by the bigger patterns of Life because it can also subconsciously affect the reasons clients come in for appointments and the wonderfilled and profound results they are creating.


Astrology is pure mathematics in action and it has it’s own language. In a nutshell, New Moons assist us to start new projects and planting the seeds of new ideas. Eclipses assist us to make deep, profound change. Full moons are about fruition, fulfilment of goals and visions.


The more I research what is happening with the planets the more I am prompted to share the information so You can make the most of this amazing opportunity to heal.


The sense at sunrise the day before the new moon created this FB post some of you may have seen on Friday:


“What Is Your Vision for Your Life? The gentle energy of the pre-sunrise moon this morning was alluring, inclusive, loving and warm like a pride of lions playing with their cubs. The eclipse and Leo new moon tomorrow offers the gift of this love and nurturing attention to create the life you are meant to be living. It’s a time of major change. Release old, old patterns that are resurfacing for a well overdue exit to make room to create the best day of your life each day moving forward. EnJOY! xxx”


Those old,old patterns resurfacing held an underlying energy of a painful pattern I had seen in various forms in Personal Consultations during the week. I heard a lot of ” I feel so angry. Why didn’t I listen ( to myself)? All this time? I feel so stupid for not doing something earlier.”


The analogy I sensed was the anger  triggered within, the Leo New Moon roaring with pain of the thorn in it’s paw, the old poison from the past causing the pain and regret. (You) The Lion finally embraced the mouse (within you) for finding the source of pain and removing the thorn.


Another opportunity to heal. Did you take it?



Eclipses create major long overdue change to improve our lives by getting us on track. We’ve just completed the last of a cycle of 3 in “Eclipse Season”, the most widely known at the time of the Full moon 2 weeks ago.


Thes eclipses offered us the energy and opportunity to heal ourselves from within.The old, old painful patterns that have held us back for far too long have been surfacing and clients have been releasing them easily in their Personal Consultations leaving much lighter and with greater clarity, energy and direction than when they arrived.


Add to this moon and eclipse activity, 5 planets retrograde ( appearing to go backward) clients have reported to be feeling stuck, “unchanging” or lost momentum. I am happy to report all were clear, focussed and moving toward who and where they want to Be by the end of their session.


So if you were ever looking for proof that Life conspires to support you, you can add this to the evidence pile!


The influence of the skies consistently reminds me we are all connected.


And it all connects us to whatever we believe Divine, our spirit and path/ purpose.


Unless we believe we are disconnected.

Because What You Focus On Grows.

What a briiliant time to have a session!

Right insync. Buy not the band;)



Be kind. And True to You.


Welcome To The Winter Solstice!

Welcome to the Winter Solstice


This is one of my favourite times of year.


The change in energy is palpable. Listening to the birds at sunrise this morning, the shortest day of the year, excitedly chirping to each other gave me goosebumps. Even they know change is on it’s way.


The Winter Solstice assists you to create profound change in your life with greater clarity and more easily.


It’s the key reason I offer, and so many have taken the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of, Winter Solstice Personal Consultations. Over the years I have learnt that when you tell me you feel like your life is ‘falling apart”, “No part of my life is the same” , ” My life is in ruins “, “Something weird is happening” that Winter Solstice energy is clearing out the past dramatically and in a way you will finally take notice. That you are on the wrong path and NOW is the time to get on track to the Life Meant for You. It is an exciting and rewarding time of year. Filled with potentials, once the the past is let go, generating the energy to renew and create a lIfe that is better. A Life Meant for You.


A BIG Thank You Thank You Thank You! to the wonder-filled Mediation group at the fully booked Winter Solstice Special Event Meditation last night. It was a gift to be a part of your transformation as you each released the past and visioned and started creating  the next 12 months. Such an inspiration. Thank YOU! now enJOY the benefits!


The final event making the most of receiving the benefits of the Winter Solstice energy is A Spirited Life this Sunday has created a lot of interest with only 3 places available. This is the workshop for you if you feel what others feel; feel overwhelmed or drained by others, the environment, the weather; find you give more than you receive in some relationships; and/or feel blind-sided by other people’s energy and needs. You will learn to make the most of your sensitivity, stabilise your energy, care for you, trust yourself and intuition; and find the strength, energy and ability to function in the everyday world. A theory and practice based workshop including meditation, feeling and/or seeing energy fields and practical skills to use after the workshop. Scroll for more details. Respond to this email or sms to book.


It is on the back of the Winter Solstice energy that I visit clients in Adelaide for the first time offering Personal Consultations and a Meditation Special Event in the last days of June. A few places are available (details below) so contact me ASAP to secure your appointment or SHARE the news with your friends/ family in Adelaide so they too can benefit.


In the meantime make sure You complete Your Winter Solstice exercise (below) preferably tonight or sometime in the next 3 days to create the Life Meant for You more easily.



The Winter Solstice


Today is officially the shortest day of the year and last night the longest.


After the Solstice tonight at 8.07pm Sydney time the sunrise tomorrow will be the first day of light as the days grows longer and nights shorter. It is my most anticipated morning of the year. I sit in nature, all rugged up, breathe and notice the energy shift and change as the new cycle begins.


It is a powerful time to get clear. It’s a time to set, then let go of your visions, dreams and goals. It’s time to celebrate life, love and connection with gratitude, to enjoy the rebirth as the old cycle completes itself and the new cycle begins.


The Winter Solstice carries a HUGE energy to help your foresight – that’s the vision and the strategies needed – for the year ahead… helping you move from where you are to where you want to be.


It’s time to re-write your life story. Often we identify, explain or excuse ourselves on the basis of the painful experiences in the past. The Winter Solstice is a perfect time to let go of the pain of the past, the unfinished business, to move toward the life you are meant to be living.


Winter Solstice Exercise


As a goal getting exercise this process is helping your brain to focus on where you are, where you want to be and what you want to be doing so your inner GPS can take you there. Goals are 80% more successful if they are written down.


As an energetic exercise it is harnessing the energies of the Winter Solstice to assist you to get there more easily.


Start by clearing out the old year.


List all the horrible things that have happened to you in the last 12 months.
Then note what each of these experiences taught you, how they changed you, what habits, routines, ways of thinking or feeling you changed in your life because of the learnings from each horrible experience.


Add to this list the fears, negative thoughts and beliefs that are getting in the way of you achieving your goals and living the Life meant for You


When you have finished – destroy the list! Rip it up, burn it – get rid of it!


Now Head Hold and Breathe and imagine you are vacuuming all the stress from the last 12 months from each part of your body from your head to your toes. When finished put the vacuum cleaner into a rocket ship and send it to the sun to be destroyed.


Give yourself a hug and fill your body with pink and gold light (unconditional and Divine Love and healing energy and protection).



Creating Your Future


How can you transfer these learnings, new habits and ways of thinking and doing life into the year ahead?


Where do you want to be in every part of your life in 12 months time: health, financially, relationships, spiritually, work-wise?


Head hold and breathe and imagine yourself 12 months in the future talking to your older, wiser self … who has already created The Life meant for you, is living it and enJOYing it!


Ask your older, wiser self about each of these  areas of your life and how you are living 12 months in the future. Ask what you did to create it, what thoughts, feelings, habits did you let go of? What new thoughts, feelings and habits did you adopt? Then Thank your older, wiser self for all the help, love and support. Promise (if you mean it) to visit with your older, wiser self regularly. Become  BFFs. What a great resource!


Bring all the information back into Present time, right here, right now and write it all down.


Then put a candle on top of your list for the next 3 nights (and being responsible candle-safe users I know you’ll blow it out as you go to bed or leave the house).


The idea is this: you are telling Your Brain and the Divine/ Universe/ God/ Goddess/ Supreme Being (within you) who you want to be this time next year and what you want to be doing. Make it date specific, eg. “It is June 20, 2019 and I am/ Have…” then describe the exact scene you are in (so you know you’ve accomplished your goal) and how it feels to be there (having accomplished your goal).


You are re-setting your brain’s Inner GPS to the life you are meant to be living, and making it quite clear for the Divine energy to pick it up and run with it!


Make way for the new, better ways of doing life and Live the Life Meant for You!


EnJOY Your Winter Solstice. The next 12 months will transform you.



Be True to You,
Al the best always,

Look For The Light



When we are at our darkest, our lowest, loneliest, feeling anxious, grief, in a cycle of self-whipping thoughts, worrying about the future, ourselves, what others are thinking about us ( which they are probably not -because they are caught up in their own stuff- and if they are it is none of our business- they are their thoughts). When we feel depressed, or lack or fear we can go deeper and deeper into a well of darkness.


We forget when we are at the bottom of the well, swimming around with others who are at the bottom of the well- some because it is their role to clean up the bottom of the well for those living in the well, some who are there because they followed the darkness.


It is there we forget there is another way, we begin to believe there is only darkness, we forget to look for the Light. A speck. A sparkle of Light. 


When we start to focus on the Light we start to follow it, we start to rise up through the darkness. The speck of Light becomes a ray of light through the dark waters of the well. The well dwellers become more colourful to catch the rays of Light and their mates.


When we rise to the top of the well we can  B R E A T H E, we can see further, expand our thoughts and begin to imagine and vision possibilities. 


The Light we follow when we look for it touches the Light within us reminding us who we are in our heart, filled with Love and Purpose. When we are disconnected from our Purpose we can feel depressed, anxious and fearful waiting for something big to destroy our tightly controlled world of ‘have to’ and ‘shoulds’ protecting us from the fear.


The something big that we numb with food, wine, box sets, coffee, sugar…anything rather than create the space to feel and hear it is our spiritual purpose. The reason we were born.


When we look for the Light in moments of silence, of lightness and laughter, of touching moments that allow the heart to open a little at a time or in the sudden swooosh of the doors flying open it connects us to the bigger reason for creating the Life you are creating.


The Life that fills you up ( fulfills you), that brings Joy and a sense of Knowing, of heart centred desire to make a difference to your world.


So look for the Light. Then Your Light. Then the Light in Others.


It is found in your curiousity, your Love and shows you what is truly important to You.


Be Present. EnJOY your time there. It helps heals you. And the world.


It is the Life Meant for You.



The Energetic Side of Life… What’s In It For You?

I have been sensitive to the energies of others and cycles of life since a child. Seeing, hearing and speaking with Spirits, feeling other’s emotions, thoughts, energy fields and past lives.


Most importantly to me, I could see the Light within others. This came in very handy in my Corporate days when I was recruiting people for jobs- I was successful because I matched their energy and Light to the company that would then hire them. Everyone would be happy. Explaining my success to the boss was a little more difficult!


The Light within each of You is also what I see in clinic, classes and workshops. It is a part of your Spiritual Self. When unhappy or in fear we dim and cover this Light.


When we are safe to Be our True Self we SHINE. So part of my curiosity and purpose in Life became seeking ways to help others release their pain and fear so they could live the Life they are meant to. A Life that is meaningful to them.


And here I am doing that every day- living the Life that is meaningful to me- and loving it!


One of my deep desires and motivators is for You to BE living the life You love, the life that is meant for You. Doing what You love with commitment and Purpose. That is what a passionate life is- BEing inspired…listening to Your Inner Voice and acting on it. So as well as Personal Consultations over the years I have developed events,  classes and workshops to offer you opportunities and ways for you to create this life. For You.

Let Go Of Procrastinating

Let Go of Procrastination


Over the last few weeks I’ve been hearing a lot from clients about procrastination in the last few weeks as if it’s a bad thing.


Whether you are having trouble starting or your work has ground to a halt, what you are calling Procrastination can actually be working to support you.


Most often we think Procrastination is a struggle with our willpower and begin to whip ourselves for feeling weak willed or not being stronger mentally.

Motivation for Change

In kinesiology/ neuro-training terms it can be low Motivation for Change…one of the measurements I take at the beginning of your Personal Consultation when it is often low 0 – 5% and increases to 81-97% at the end of your session after we have released the negative mental/ emotional/ energetic patterns blocking it’s ability to flow easily.


Does this sound familiar? You know logically what you need to do, may have plenty of energy to do the mental work, no energy to action it? You make excuses when you’ve promised yourself “ I’ll start Monday”? and then Tuesday, Wednesday with no start in sight?


Motivation for Change is the energy and ability to do things differently. If the old ways no longer work we need Motivation for Change to make the changes necessary to make progress.


Resistance to Change


When you lack clarity around what is negative change and what is positive change your progress slows and you stall.


Your misperception and fears can cloud your belief that whatever you are working on will create such great Change that you fear your ability to handle it. You focus on what you may lose as a result of Change and how others will perceive you as a result.


It is important to remember that Positive Change is positive and in support of you and your goals. When you ask yourself these 2 questions you become very clear about the change you are creating and get rid of the rest:

Is this positive and in support of me?

Is this positive and in support of your goals.

A solid and clear Yes to both questions is Positive Change. Anything else you let go and move on.

If you have difficulty with this, it’s time for your next session to create the Positive Change you seek.


Where Am I Going?

The brain likes to know where you are heading . It likes a Vision, a BIG picture. AND it likes to be emotionally committed to it. Then it can create a strategy to get there.

That’s Foresight. Vision + Strategy.


It’s also where most people grind to  halt. They create a sensible goal without an emotional attachment and wonder why they stall.


The brain LOVES You creating a strong emotional commitment to your Vision.


You know how this works already…you’ve become so emotionally committed to fear at times that you have driven yourself into a field of mud and get stuck. Or worse, find yourself down a big dark hole, and become blinded and stuck. That was through your emotional commitment to worry and fear. So turn it around….


Remember the first time you did something you LOVED? The first car you loooonged for? Your first trip OS? You imagined and imagined and imagined what it would feel like living it, how amazing you would feel…how it would complete you, make you worldly/ sophisticated/ fulfilled/ completed/ wanted. YOU KNEW that car, that trip was the answer. The moment you committed to the path of owning the car, being on your trip… your brain registered the intensity of emotion and created the brain reward pathways you needed to create the strategy to make it happen.


And it was so strong you started to attract people who had cars like that, had been to the places you wanted to travel to…all adding information, advice, sometimes help to make the Vision you committed to happen.


You’ve done it before, do it again…

Imagine how it will feel when you are living and breathing your project and life is JOYful and flowing. Write it down.

Do it again and again adding more each time…and really feeling it, KNOW that it’s done. Because Your Older, Wiser Self is already LIVING and LOVING it!


Exercise: Head hold and breathe and go into the future to become BFF with your Older, Wiser Self…notice the life they have created for you and how much they are enjoying it.

Then  say Thank You Thank You Thank You! and repeat 3 times “ I return to Present Time, right here, right Now”.

Give yourself a 12 second hug to integrate your new learnings and reward yourself with lots of oxytocin, that loved up hormone that kicks in at 12 seconds and gives you the loving feeling that makes life flow easily.


What’s it All For?

A sense of Purpose, doing what you love that also benefits others is key to tapping in to the flow of Life.


Procrastination can come from a disconnect with Your Purpose in the project at hand…how can others’ benefit from what you are doing? Is it something You Love?


Once you are clear within yourself, have a sense of KNOWING this it is right for you for now, then the energy starts moving again.


It’s important to check-in with this regularly in future before you grind to a halt with disconnect. Being Your Beautiful, Authentic Self is the key.


Your Intuition Speaking


About timing: just as the sun rises and sets at precisely the right time each day everything in life has it’s own timing. Nothing happens before the precise time it is designed to. Sometimes we need to wait. Sometimes change direction. Sometimes call Time Out.


Your new mantra:  It’s much easier to wait/ stop/ call it/ recalibrate when you know that,

“ The right solution/ healing/ process/ energy/ money/ direction/ moment/ people/ love/ resources etc arrive at the right time in the right way for me, and in the highest good of all concerned” . Pick you topic. Repeat 7 times, once a day for 7 days.


About listening: research and experience has taught me to sit with a feeling… this time procrastination, to feel it in my body, befriend it, talk to it and find out why it’s there and what it’s come to teach me. Procrastination arrives when:


We are over-doing it. Accept you are playing a looong game and need times to recuperate and feed your spirit before returning to the game.


Have you created your own deadline of “have to” through impatience or fear of loss.


Are you putting the needs of others before your own? Without self-care you could stay stuck, wondering what happened. Self care, self love and healthy boundaries help the energy to flow easily, positively and in support of you and your goals.


Wondering what others will think? Firstly, it’s none of your business what other’s think. Worrying about it will keep you stuck. Next, energy flows when you are Being your True Self…listening to and acting from your authentic self and highest good.


When you are pitching from the highest good all flows, others benefit and you begin to live your purpose.


When you are forcing things, hitting your head against a brick wall, pacing the floor, numbing yourself with booze, coffee, facebook/ Instagram, food or debilitating yourself with worry to a foetus position on the couch in front of Netflix you are procrastinating by disconnecting from Your True Self. Stop blaming Netflix, and the booze, food, coffee, facebook/ Instagram, food and anything else you use to distract your attention and deplete your energy from what is really going on in your life.




Sit quietly. Close your eyes, belly breathe for 9 breaths. Give yourself a hug.
Headhold and breathe…one hand across your forehead, the other across the bump in the back of your head. Belly breathe slowly IN for 4, hold for 2, OUT for 4, hold for 2, 9 reps….then hug yourself again.


It’s time to become your best friend…tell yourself you are safe, it will be okay and that you got this.


Promise yourself to DO Something. Whatever you need you’ll do.
Whatever is causing the grind to a halt…you’ll listen, be kind and compassionate to yourself and validate all the reasons why you are procrastinating ( writing this conversation on paper and ripping it up after will help express it, validate it, release it and let it go).

Then ask yourself: What is the Next Step to getting the progress moving? It could be “Wait” or “ Sit and enJOY Netflix for 20 minutes”…which IS progress from sitting in a ball whipping yourself. You may get the picture or feeling or sound to prompt you to go for a walk outside, in nature; or to wash up, do the laundry, call a friend, have a salt water shower/ bath, head hold and breathe (so you can become lighter, Present, calm, clear and focused:)


What You Focus on Grows

Remember what you focus on grows…focus on feeling blocked and you will create it. Same with confusion, fear, sadness, self loathing.

How to stop the cycle?

Call the feeling for what it is, be specific…” I feel like shite” is too general. Better to be specific, “ I feel angry/ sad/ heavy/ stuck/ worthless/ useless/ a fraud”.

Once you call the feelings for what they are it creates a sense of validation.
You can then add what you want to be,

“ I want to feel clear, I am willing to be clear, I have clarity”

“ I want to feel calm, I am willing to feel calm, I am Calm, I am Calm, I am Calm”,

“ I want to feel focused, I am willing to feel focused, I am focused, I am focused, I am focused.”

You will notice the emotions and energy shift as you re-set your inner GPS to where you want to go and who you want to Be.


Bite size pieces


The bottom line? Ask yourself “What’s the next step”, then do it. Then ask again, then do it. No matter how small or pointless you think it is, do it. All of it is progress.

Listened to and acting on what is important to you tells your brain that you keep your promises to yourself & have your own back. It supports and grows your self esteem and self worth.

Reminding yourself, “You Got This”.

In the meantime, please be kind.


And True to You.