Breathe Blog

Time to Rescue Your Resolutions

What You Focus on Grows



Are you focused on the hate?
Or Loving What You Do?
To create Love, focus on Love.
That is Success.
What You Focus on Grows



Quote for the Week

“How hurtful it can be to deny one’s true self and live a life of lies just to appease others.”


– June Ahern



Hi, It’s Deb Here…


WOW! What a week it’s been!


The Virgo Full Moon has been keeping many clients busy reorganising their lives, priorities, values, cupboards health and finances….focusing on the fine details of life.


Many have reported difficulty sleeping too.


On the back of the Aquarian New Moon 2 weeks ago, perfectly timed to help create lofty BIG Visions of your BIG future, the Virgo Full Moon helps bring these projects and visions into physical reality. It also highlights our fears so we can analyse them and let them go as no longer relevant to Life now.


Use the Write And Rip exercise to release the fears, then headhold and breathe ( 9 reps) to release the emotional energy and begin to imagine your projects and visions materialising easily before your eyes. Focus on how you feel when they come to fruition, breathing them in and filling your body with the feelings.


It’s a productive replacement for the stressing you were doing if you couldn’t sleep, as is listening to a Guided Meditation to help you find the stillness within.



It’s Time to Rescue Your 2019 Theme & New Year’s Resolutions


We are now coming into the last week of February and I just have to ask…


How are Your New Year’s Resolutions coming along?


Are you on track or did they get derailed by work and the people you love? “Other Priorities”?


NOW is the time to remind yourself who’s life you are living. 
THEN you have more energy for those you love and the other priorities.




When you SHOW support and follow through on your promises your brain loves it…it does more for You! It changes the ways you think and feel about yourself to The Positive-and-In-Support- of-You mode, so you become healthier, have more energy and a whole lot MORE!


It helps you to build Your Self Esteem & Self Confidence …EASILY!


The question is, as well as your Theme & New Year Resolutions,  where else are you offering yourself empty promises?


Every time you make a promise with yourself Like “I’ll get up at 6am tomorrow and go jogging” or “ I will give up chocolate for a month starting Monday” and you don’t follow through with action your brain stops believing you.


So when you want to make a decision or get a gut reaction or listen to your intuition you can feel confused and out of balance.


From previous experience you have taught your brain you are more committed to follow through for others rather than yourself… your Boss because you promise and deliver repeatedly AND put a lot of emotion (often fear) and energy  into making sure you do it.


You have hardwired your brain to step beyond the call of duty for your Boss, colleagues, clients, customers, Mum, Dad, kids, partner and friends…because you have done so repeatedly and consistently.


And THEN you wonder why you feel badly about yourself, feel under-appreciated, taken for granted and with no energy for You? You have hardwired your brain by repeated thoughts, emotions and actions to put others before yourself so that when they ask your automated REACTION  is “yes” even though you might be in the middle of something very important to you.


Sound familiar?


The Good News is we can change that.


We can give You  your Life back, so you can CHOOSE to RESPOND to the requests rather than REACT on automatic default mode.


NOW is the time to CHOOSE to take responsibility for making your Vision of a better life/ job/ relationship/ health/ bank balance/ travel etc REALITY. When you take responsibility  you can RESPOND in the MOMENT, you can make CHOICES that are POSITIVE and in SUPPORT of You and Your goals.


This starts with creating a strategy. Remember: Foresight = Vision  + Strategy. Start by writing down your Vision and the Strategy as you see it now. This assists you to get your goal more easily….goals written down are 80% more successful!


What’s the Next Step?Which question is more like You?


Do you now ask “What’s the first step in this strategy?”


Or do you say to yourself “ I don’t know where to start?”, “I’m stuck”, “I’m not good/ rich/ worthy enough”…because that’s exactly what your brain is giving you. More “I don’t know”, more stuck, more ‘not enough’.


So ASK…What is the Next Step? Then DO it!! Act!!


This means that you take the vision, you ask ‘What is the next step?” and You DO it. Usually it’s a little step then another and another. Toward where and who you want to be. 




If you ignore the next step? It nags. And nags. It becomes procrastination (if only Hamlet knew that!), self sabotage and fuels the self defeating thoughts and feelings streaming  through your body draining you of energy. Argh!


The difference is- what are You going to DO to move toward where you want to be? Who You want to BE? Well, the easier response would be to go DO the Next Step so you can get on with living.


Remember: “What is the Next Step?” keeps us moving TOWARD our vision making our goals a reality.


Most often, we have buried the next step under all those negative feelings/ thoughts/ habits so we forget what the next step was.


That’s a good time to come in for an appointment. So you can find clarity and focus again and the energy to get back on track.



Your Future Your Vision…the Life You are Meant to Be Living


When you have a vision of yourself of climbing Your mountain – whatever that maybe- of receiving an award, the kiss of a beloved one,  the recognition of a job well done – it rarely comes with the moment to moment challenges, the one-step-in-front-of- another-choices of everyday toward that vision that help us get there.


“ The first step binds one to the second.” French Proverb


Yet every vision has a first step, then another, then another. Some are clearer than others, others reveal themselves – they become a part of the process of you moving toward the Life You are Meant to Be Living.


Other steps, other resources drop away when they are no longer in support of Your Vision. This is a natural part of the cycles of life, yet we hang on, hold tightly to people, habits and ways of thinking that we have outgrown…and struggle with maintaining something where the energy has dropped out.


Remember it is Your Vision. No one elses. So unless the people around you have achieved their vision, it is rare they will understand the nagging, aching, committed reality you have to Your vision.


Because it is YOUR Vision. Commit to Your Vision. Take RESPONSIBILITY for it’s positive outcome.


An athlete spends years of focus and moment to moment choices (often from childhood) to win a race. An Opera singer’s voice matures at 40 years of age… that’s a lot of daily practice and choices toward their vision! Performers often joke that it took them 30 years to become an “overnight success”.


One step in front of another…asking “ Is this drawing me toward my vision, or does it pull me away?”


When I was about 10 years of age I had a vision for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I am doing it now. The same sense I received then still deeply resonates inside me daily… in Personal Consultations with clients and running workshops and classes. It is for all of this and more that I chose over 20 years ago to study kinesiology. It took a lot of searching to find, then one step after another through my own quagmires and years of toxic muddy corporate workplaces always seeking and often succeeding to light a spark in others about their own vision and ability to Live it.


And here I am living the life I am meant to. My heart sings.


And that is precisely how the Living Life Passionately workshop came about. In my corporate life I was training my staff to create the life they were REALLY wanted, using kinesiology techniques. And guess what? Their productivity improved, they were happier and sick leave dropped. They were moving TOWARD their vision, and are now living them. Along with hundreds of clients who have attended the Living Life Passionately workshop since 2005.


Living Life Passionately is living Your Life, Your Vision with Love, Commitment and Purpose. Your Vision adds meaning to Your Life. By DO – ing it!


Now is the time to find Your Vision, take responsibility for making it happen, create the strategy, clear what’s blocking it, and one step after another make your vision a reality.


And that’s a REALLY good reason to come in for your next Personal Consultation, or come along to Masterful Goal Getting or Living Life Passionately later in the year!



Quality Resources


You know I love sharing quality resources to motivate, educate and inspire.


Want to understand how your Kinesiology/ Neuro-training Consultations work? Here’s a reminder:


How to Stop Being Yourself: Dr Joe Dispenza and How to Reprogram Your Mind


Part 2/ How to Stop Being Yourself: Dr Joe Dispenza on Breaking the Chains of Self Imposed Limitations


Looking for a Quick Calm?


Deepak Chopra’s go-to 3-minute meditation to stay focused


I love to receive your photos, video clips, songs, book suggestions and other valuable resources to share with Deb’s Community. Thank you! Please keep them coming.


Be kind.
And True to You.

Loving You

What You Focus on Grows



Are you focused on the hate?
The experiences?
Or The Love?
To create Love, focus on Love.

What You Focus on Grows



Quote for the Week


“Just look at my life path! Why, oh why, have I always been so harsh with myself? Why was I always beating myself up? Why was I always forsaking myself? Why did I never stand up for myself and show the world the beauty of my own soul?


Why was I always suppressing my intelligence and creativity to please others? I betrayed myself every time I said yes when I meant no! Why have I violated myself by always needing to seek approval from others just to be myself? Why haven’t I followed my own beautiful heart and spoken my own truth?” Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me



Hi, It’s Deb Here…


The Ignite Your Heart workshop is coming up this Sunday and I LOVE it’s no.1 outcome…seeing each member of the class as they leave the workshop at the end of the day with a new sense of self confidence and assurance. They hold themselves taller and are comfortable in their body. They glow with a sense of KNOWING who they are. They have discovered their own personal secret and their BFF, in their heart.


That’s a game changer to their whole life on so many levels. Which is the reason why so many IYH grads love to revisit and take the IYH training deeper to a whole new level.


You may have noticed from the content of Breathe newsletters that it is currently workshop & class season with plenty on offer to add the icing to your Personal Consultations.


All the classes & workshops are designed by someone (me) who dislikes attending workshops and classes. So they have been designed to create a relaxed, safe, fun and productive learning environment.


That means each workshop or class is ALL about You and set up so that You get the most from your learning experience. For those of you who are looking for like-minded others you have the opportunity to do that too. Scroll for more FAQ about Deb’s Classes/ Workshop.


So if you are over feeling at loss with your friendships and relationships at times, or the anxiety, doubt and overwhelm of dating, workplace politics or letting go of old relationships to make room for better ones, come along to Ignite Your Heart. It’d be wonderful to see you here!



Loving You


As the old song goes, “Loving You is easy because you are beautiful”, yet mostly we focus on our flaws and mistakes rather than on our beauty and what we add to the world.


To change this you can create new habits, implement a life long practice like breathing and eating, to ensure you are consistently creating the loving relationship with Yourself each moment of each day.


Self Love is All You Need


You know when you feel good the world knows It. You hold your head high, you walk with purpose, your posture is straight and your eyes are shining like your grin. When you are feeling bad about yourself your retreat into yourself as you recoil in fear from the world, your shoulders slump, you mumble and have difficulty looking others in the eye.


You are constantly communicating who you are to the world, the way you walk, talk, hold yourself, the clothes you wear, the way you behave, the music/ peeps/ movies/ box sets you love, who you hang with and what you love doing are all communicating You to the world.


Feeling uncomfortable in your life? Notice the message you are sending out into the world. Is it really you? Or someone you use to be? Tweak it or change it to who you are now or who you want to grow to be. Then you begin to BE Your True Self.



Growing Your Self Esteem, Self Worth and Confidence


Start to listen to Your Inner Voice…it may be nagging you to stop something, do something or begin something new….over and over and over again. You know that voice…it is always gentle, kind and loving AND repetitive. At other times your Inner Voice may gently and lovingly guide you to where you need to be to create the Life You are Meant to Be Living.


Begin NOW to Listen and ACT on the Inner Voice’s messages. They will always be loving, kind and positive. Some call it a Gut Feeling, a vibe, their intuition or their Nagging Inner Voice ( funnily enough).


The more you listen and act on Your Inner Voice the stronger your self esteem, self confidence and self worth will BE. And that’s the secret to BEing Your True Self.



When We Change the Communication We Change the Relationship


Sometimes we get into habits of communicating that no longer support us or the health of the relationship. And because they are habits that can creep up on us, we are often unaware they have become ‘default’ modes.


Then for some strange reason we can think that it is okay to speak with those we love most with least respect.


As with fears, old habits can be released and new habits created that are positive and in support of you and your goals. You begin to communicate clearly, from your heart.


By changing the communication You change the relationship.


Ignite Your Heart highlights the key to changing any relationship – with yourself, with your loved ones, with your colleagues, anyone – is to change the communication.


Ignite Your Heart was created in 2011 consolidating years of research, experience and guidance with the intention to assist clients, their family and friends to heal the relationship with themselves and those around them.


We can do the deep work in a Personal Consultation at the office. Or you can clear the rubbish to go deeper and come along to Ignite Your Heart and learn to:


Be Heard
Know What You Want and Ask for It
Be Respected and Admired
Be Connected
Communicate Your True Self better
And so much MORE!


As you become clearer on who you are and what your want from life, you let go of the old fears and habits and begin to communicate more clearly. Your True Self.


Looking forward to seeing you in a Personal Consultation or Ignite Your Heart soon.


In the meantime, be kind and True to You.


Wishing You All the Best Always,


St. Valentine’s Ignite Your Heart + 5 Minute Story

What You Focus on Grows



Are you consumed by the pain?
Or noticing the changes? the surprises? the new?
What You Focus on Grows.



Quote for the Week


“You know, many years ago, my father gave a college graduation speech where he told the students, “Allow me to challenge you not to think so much about what you will do or where you will go. Allow me to challenge you to think about … what you believe.”


In other words, he was challenging them to look at what they believe, in order to find out who they could become.


In truth, that’s the most important question we can all ask ourselves throughout our lives: “What do I believe – and who do I want to be?”


Answering that question is crucial, because what you believe is the foundation upon which you build yourself as you continue to grow. … “Just Who Will You Be?”

– from “Just Who Will You Be?” by Maria Shriver


This is one of my favourite quotes. Along with the 5 Minute Story below, it is also the basis of a fun and insightful exercise in Ignite Your Heart. So, Who do You want to Be? Come along Sunday February 17 and find out!



Hi, It’s Deb Here…


After a BIG start to 2019 and lots of new goals, habits and visions set down, the last few weeks have been a challenge for some clients. Reporting having been very productive and on focus then finding the wind dropping out of their sails, feeling stuck, sleep deprived, dreaming a lot, fearing they will miss out/ are forgetting ‘something’/ losing control, feeling lost, overwhelmed, lacking energy and motivation….sound like you?


It’s important to remember that setting new goals is a challenge to the brain as it changes it’s wiring toward where you want to be. In Neuro-training Kinesiology sessions one of the Contexts/ Themes we work with says, ” The goals we set for ourselves are a type of challenge to our future, to change, to incorporate what we want in that future. They are also a challenge to those experiences in the past that act as evidence that we can’t or don’t have what we want.


So, if you have been feeling off course for 2 weeks or more PLEASE make an appointment so we can sort it out, get you back on track and in the flow again.



In the meantime, use it as a reminder to return from your visions of the future, to Be Present, so you can get down to the work/play of actually creating it.


Head holding and breathing helps you stay Present, let go of the stress and find Calm, Clarity & Focus. So place one hand across your forehead, the other hand across the back of the head. Belly breathe in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4, hold for 2. 9 reps. Repeat a 2 or 3 times a day (schedule reminders on your phone) to retrain your brain to BE Present and REALLY enJOY Life.


You may have noticed from the content of Breathe newsletters that it is currently workshop & class season with plenty on offer to add the icing to your Personal Consultations. All the classes & workshops are designed by someone (me) who dislikes attending workshops and classes. So they have been designed to create a relaxed, safe, fun and productive learning environment.


That means each workshop or class is ALL about You and set up so that You get the most from your learning experience. For those of you who are looking for like-minded others you have the opportunity to do that too. Scroll for more FAQ about Deb’s Classes/ Workshop.


Ignite Your Heart 1 day workshop is coming up soon, on Sunday February 17, and I LOVE it’s no.1 outcome…seeing participants at the end of their training with a new sense of self assurance, self love and direction as they leave. They hold themselves taller and comfortably. And glow with a sense of Knowing they have discovered their own personal secret and their BFF deep within themselves.


That’s a game changer to their whole life on so many levels. Which is the reason why so many IYH grads love to return to revisit and take the IYH training deeper to a whole new level.


Great News! As a result of client requests the Early Bird Offer saving you $50.50 is EXTENDED to Friday February 8, 2019 so book asap to secure your place and the early bird offer.


There is plenty of great information, insights and resources (LOVE sharing quality resources!) in the Breathe newsletter ahead!



5 Minute Story


” To master a relationship is all about you. The first step is to become aware, to know that everyone dreams his own dream. Once you know this, you can be responsible for your half of the relationship, which is you. If you know that you are only responsible for half of the relationship, you can easily control your half. It is not up to us to control the other half. If we respect, we know that our partner, or friend, or son, or mother, is completely responsible for his or her own half. If we respect the other half, there is always going to be peace in that relationship. There is no war.


Next, if you know what is love and what is fear, you become aware of the way you communicate you dream to others. The quality of your communication depends upon the choices you make in each moment, whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you catch yourself in the track of fear, just by having that awareness, you can shift your attention into the track of love. Just by seeing where you are, just by changing your attention, everything around you will change.


Finally, if you are aware that no one else can make you happy, and that happiness is the result of love coming out of you, this becomes the greatest mastery of the Toltecs, the Master of Love.


We can talk about love and write a thousand books about it, but love will be completely different for each of us because we have to experience. Love is not about concepts; love is about action. Love in action can only produce happiness. Fear in action can only produce suffering.


The only way to master love is to practice love. You don’t need to justify your love, you don’t need to explain your love; you just need to practice your love. Practice creates the master. “


– from “The Mastery Of Love”, Don Miguel Ruiz


Be kind.
And True to You.

Infusing Positives

What You Focus on Grows



What does Your self talk focus on?
What You Focus on Grows.


Quote for the Week


You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that, I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.


Maya Angelou



What is Your Vision for 2019?


For your relationship ? Family life? With friends?
With yourself?
At work? Financially?
Your spiritual life?
Your health?

Wondering how You Can Create It?
Want to keep the progress growing?

Feeling stuck and unchanging?


Or just want to create changes in your life?


Neuroscience tells us that 95% of what you think today you thought yesterday and the day before that. So Think something NEW. That creates new habits when repeated over time create a new lifestyle. One new thought with action. Then another. Then another toward your new reality. That’s what Deb’s helping you to do using Neuro-training Kinesiology.


Are You ready to let go of the pain and difficulty of 2018?


To integrate the learnings of 2018 to keep the progress growing into 2019?


Deb’s here to help you do that and MORE.


Make time for You.
Become lighter, happier, clear on your purpose.


Infusing Positives



Hi, It’s Deb Here….


It’s been wonderful to see so many of you for appointments setting your intentions and Theme for 2019, removing the blocks and getting back on track to making them happen. Woohooo!


Part of the beauty I find in Neuro-training Kinesiology is the surprise and delight clients and myself experience as the process reveals Your very own unique solutions and ways to healing.


Your brain tells me exactly what’s going on, what’s working and what’s no longer working for You and how You want to change it. Love it!


Some feeling drained, depleted and exhausted, many clients have been coming in expecting Recuperation to arise as the theme for their session.


Using the Neuro-training kinesiology process we have instead found their theme for their session was, for some, to clear the blocks to Infusing the Positives… you know those times you get stuck conceding to the negatives with heavy feelings and an endless loop of negative thoughts in your head?


They blind you to all the evidence in your life that you can create Positive Change and stop you from CREATING the Resources to Support Yourself MORE Successfully.


And funnily enough we find part of that pattern can be blocking your energy flow to keep you just surviving….so you can feel drained, irritable and exhausted.


No one ever arrives in my office wanting to survive- EVERYONE arrives wanting to release the old habits and patterns to find NEW ones…. so they can THRIVE.


Which is precisely what the Neuro-training kinesiology process helps you to do! To find the energy so you can heal yourself, release the beliefs systems, emotional and physical patterns that block you from creating FLOW in your Life….so you can find new and better ways of living Your Life.


When things stop flowing in your Life You feel stuck and blocked, like you are hitting your head against a wall. That’s the time to come in for a session, so you can find the energy, clarity and Flow of receiving as well as giving in Life – and THRIVE again.


The Resources you attract and Create are reflective of your energy levels and what you are thinking and feeling, what you believe you deserve. When you are feeling tired, flat and thinking negatively you find poor quality resources that only help you survive.


When we get the energy Flowing and clear out the feelings of unworthiness or other beliefs blocking You… you can start to CREATE NEW Resources to support yourself more successfully.


Limiting thoughts and beliefs become expansive and loving. You start to see Opportunities you would never have seen before and bring people experiences, time, energy, money, Spirit, clarity and direction into your Life. Quality Resources so you can Thrive!


Now, that’s Living the Life You are Meant To!



Quality Resources


You know I love sharing quality resources to motivate, educate and inspire.


Here are 3 MORE for you to enJOY!


1. Healthy Thinking


The progress in clients who have read Dr Joe Dispenza’s books, listened to his meditations and attended his workshops is remarkable. Here he is explaining the neuroscience behind the work we do with Neuro-training Kinesiology and his own work enJOY!


How to Stop Being Yourself: Dr Joe Dispenza and How to Reprogram Your Mind


2. Barry Goldstein’s New Project


I’ve been enJOYing the healing benefits of my friend double Grammy Award Winner Barry Goldstein’s music for the last 12 years. Clients been loving it’s ability to create a deeper meditation with the opportunity for more profound healing in Deb’s Meditation Classes for 9 years. So I am thrilled he has joined forces with another key resource of mine neuropsychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen to create this album. Barry Goldstein and Dr Daniel Amen Groundbreaking Music Programme


3. For LOVE and fun and inspiration enJOY this clip from Pink


P!nk & Willow Sage Hart (P!nk’s Daughter) – A Million Dreams/A Million Dreams (Reprise)


I love to receive your photos, video clips, songs, book suggestions and other valuable resources to share with Deb’s Community. Thank you! Please keep them coming.




Creating Positive Change


Creating Positive Change, Joy and Gratitude


At the beginning of each Personal Consultation your brain indicates the context or theme of the session It is an umbrella of all that is going on in your life and what needs to change to get you back on track to living the Life you are meant to.


When that theme or context is “Positive Change” it’s thrilling.


It means you have finished the unfinished business of Recuperation, gained the learnings from the process and have found the energy to apply to your life moving forward. Positive Change only comes up when you have the energy to make it happen.


Change is something we do every moment of every day. Sometimes the changes are small, some larger- all are potentially big game-changers. Sometimes we are happy to make the change, other times we don’t like it at all. We resist change. We wrestle with it . We become engaged with it and begin to believe we have no choice. That’s when the resistance has us. That’s the stress. When we believe we have No Choice.


We always have Choice. We can choose whether the change we are creating is Positive, ie. appropriate to our goals, or negative. You can ask yourself ” Is this change appropriate to my goals? Is it positive and in support of Me.” If the answer is No? Then let it go or change it so that it is.


That new car or holiday…is that in support of you? ” You betcha!” I hear you shout. Is it in support of your goals? mmmm….maybe challenging your goal to buy a home, put the kids through a school you prefer or other financial goals you have.


That friend of yours? Maybe a new friend or one that’s been around for a while. The friend that makes arrangements, then dumps you at the last minute for a better offer, you party hard around them ( to numb yourself ), the friend who never listens and who always talks about themselves, often creates a drama and leaves you embarrassed to clean it up. Is this friend positive? Nah. In Support of you? No, only themselves. In support of your goals? You have goals?!? So letting go can be another Positive Change you bring into your life making room for the new friend with similar values to you in your Life NOW.


Positive Change can bring MORE fun, is easier and life flows when we stop resisting change.


Then comes the BIG One. Are you a person who blanket manages everything to make sure that all bases are covered? You put a lot of effort into Life? Are you exhausted? Phew! Want to change that?


Positive Change is about “re-directing your abilities toward establishing positive results for the effort you put into life”. So your focus for creating Positive Change becomes laser – like. You find the way and where to put the effort to create the MOST positive results easily. Now that’s Positive Change.


I’ve seen relationships, jobs, health and finances transformed into a whole new world of positive results after Positive Change has been the theme of a Personal Consultation. Goals get got. Focus and Clarity set their laser on your Vision of Your Future and make it happen. Positively, more easily and in support of you.



5 Minute Exercise


Are their parts of your life now that give you Joy? That you are grateful for? Write them down. And how you feel. Then where you feel that warm glow in your body and breathe into it. Does it have a colour? Breathe into that too and make it intensify, grow.


Next head hold and breathe. Can you imagine the Life you are Living in 12 months time. Write it down. Can you imagine the kind of joy and gratitude you will be experiencing because you ARE LIVING it? Where do you feel it in your body? Place your hands there and breathe into it. Is there a colour? Breathe into it and intensify it. Then give yourself a 9 second hug. It helps to integrate it into your cells and your brain. And bring it back with you as you return to Present time right here, right now.


What’s the next step in your Plan? Put it in your diary on the day you plan to do it. Or do it now.


Feeling resistance and excuses and negative self-talk coming up? That’s resisting change. Even the change you REALLY want. 


PS. Remember What You Focus on Grows. The scientists are proving what kinesiologists have been working with since the 1930’s. So, Focus on the Joy and Gratitude and you create MORE of it in Your Life. And that’s Living the Life You Are Meant to.



5 Minute Moment


One of my favourite 5 Minute Moment’s comes to us from the Toltec healer don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements:


“Just do your best- in any circumstance in your life. It doesn’t matter if you are sick or tired, if you always do your best there is no way you can judge yourself. And if you don’t judge yourself there is no way you are going to suffer from guilt, blame, and self-punishment. By doing your best, you will break a big spell that you have been under.


There was a man who wanted to transcend his suffering so he went to a Buddhist temple to find a Master to help him. He went to the Master and asked, “Master, if I meditate four hours a day, how long will it take me to transcend?”


The Master looked at him and said, “If you meditate four hours a day perhaps you will transcend in ten years.”


Thinking he could do better, the man then said, “Oh Master, what if I meditated eight hours a day, how long will it take me to transcend?”


The Master looked at him and said, “If you meditate eight hours a day, perhaps you will transcend in twenty years.”


“But why will it take me longer if I meditate more?” the man asked.


The Master replied, “You are not here to sacrifice your joy or your life. You are here to live, to be happy, and to love. If you can do your best in two hours of meditation, but you spend eight hours instead, you will only grow tired, miss the point, and you won’t enjoy your life. Do your best, and perhaps you will learn no matter how long you meditate, you can live, love and be happy.”



Quality Resources


You know I love sharing quality resources to motivate, educate and inspire.


Here are 3 for you to enJOY! You may even want to subscribe to their blog/ newsletter:


1. Healthy Eating


So many clients have difficulty creating new habits around their eating habits, especially when their body is reacting to the foods they enjoy. I love this article. It reminds us that eating healthily is actually about keeping our brain healthy so it can do it’s job well as the powerful control tower for all other organs and functions in our body. Read on if you want eating healthy to be easy….Dr Perlmutter, Neurologist and Author.


2. Getting the Most from Your Journalling and Writing and Ripping Exercise


Want to improve your journalling? Your “Writing and Ripping” exercise? Here’s some of the scientific proof on how it works AND suggestions to how you can increase the benefits.

Click here to read the article on Writing, from Barking Up the Wrong Tree


3. For inspiration and motivation enJOY this clip from Tim Minchin :9 Lessons on Life


I love to receive your photos, video clips, songs, book suggestions and other valuable resources to share with Deb’s Community. Thank you! Please keep them coming.




Be kind. Be True to You,


What’s Your Theme? Part 2

What is Your Vision for 2019?


For your relationship ? Family life? With friends? With yourself?
At work? Financially? Your spiritual life? Your health?


Wondering how You Can Create It? Want to keep the progress growing? Feeling stuck and unchanging?


Or just want to create changes in your life?


Neuroscience tells us that 95% of what you think today you thought yesterday and the day before that. So Think something NEW. That creates new habits when repeated over time create a new lifestyle. One new thought. Then another. Then another toward your new reality.



What’s Your Theme for 2019? Part 2


Haven’t had time to create your Theme for 2019?


Fortunately the brain is hardwired to the cycles of Nature and the Capricorn New Moon this weekend will help. New moons are about setting new goals/ planting the seeds. Capricorn helps us be practical, systematic and pragmatic. By looking at the way things really are, it becomes easier to create plans to make your Vision & Theme of 2019 a reality. Clear the decks, clean out the unfinished business of the past (and the house) and create the future that is right for you.


Then use the energy of Summer to Celebrate, rest and recuperate and have some FUN! Summer is the time to enJOY the rewards of all your Visions of 2018 coming to fruition. You have reviewed what worked and what can be done better. Now your new goals can keep the progress growing!


Need help creating your Vision and Theme of 2019? Read on OR Contact Deb to Book Your Personal Consultation.



Over the last 4 weeks the Breathe newsletter has included exercises to assist you to wrap up 2018 well and create a great start to 2019. If you haven’t received them or can’t find them please email me for a copy.


Many of you have emailed and messaged to tell me The Summer Solstice exercise 3 weeks ago has helped you realise how far you have come this year, and assisted you in leaving the pain of the year behind and take the learnings and growth into the New Year.


2 weeks ago the Spiritual Agenda has started to set your higher vision for 2019.


On the back of that, now is the time for you to create your theme for 2019.


Why set a theme?


The thought of creating New Year Resolutions can feel frustrating, demoralising, passe or a waste of time for so many, so over the last few years I have been asking clients to CHOOSE a Theme for the year ahead.


So what’s Your Theme for 2019?


This is The BIG picture approach to Goal Getting. Your theme will influence your Choices for the year ahead. If you choose to accept this Mission, each decision you make from NOW until December 31, 2019 will be based on your new theme.


Last week’s Breathe included a detailed process to discover your Theme.


This week includes a simple and inspired process to reveal your Theme for 2019 easily.


I received a message from a client during the week with an alternative method to creating their Theme for 2019. She found her favourite pack of cards and messaged me. With her written permission I can share this with you,


“Deb, I picked three cards from Tosha’s deck for 2019.”
“Wow, beautiful. What did you ask of the cards?”
“My theme for 2019. They r so perfect.”



You can use each card as a filter for each choice you make this year. If it passes through the filter it stays. If no fit, it’s a No.


Apply this method to the Theme and test it out for 7 days. You may find it evolves into something else. If so well and good- this is all about finding clarity and focus. Then your Theme for 2019 can do it’s true work.


By defining your theme for 2019 you no longer ‘do for the sake of doing’, your actions become in support of Your and Your Goals.


And that’s the definition of Positive Change.

This IS the start of The Best Day of Your Life So Far.

It is the next step to You Living the Life Meant for You.

So what’s Your Theme for 2019?



Be kind, and True to You.


ps. If you did this exercise for 2018 take it up a notch by reviewing your success with the Theme you selected. What worked? What didn’t work? How could you have made it work more easily, to get better results? Take the learnings into setting your Theme for 2019. EnJOY!

What’s Your Theme for 2019?

What You Focus on Grows



I am so very grateful for the beautiful, heart-felt messages I have received from so many of you over the last month.


They are treasured bonuses…I am very privileged to be doing what I LOVE everyday, thanks to You, so I am very grateful. Your messages are the icing on the cake. Thank You!


In fact I love what I am doing now even more than when I began 30 years ago…and I loved it a LOT even then.


So much so I wanted to share the JOY with others…You.


So you could live the benefits and show others they too have the Choice to live the life meant for them.


You made that happen. By allowing me to help you BE who you truly are, in your heart of hearts and true nature.


So you can Live the Life You are Meant to, that is meaningful to You. And others are benefiting as a result.


That’s living life with love, commitment and purpose, a passionate life. Bravo!


Be Proud.


Remember, What You Focus on Grows.



What’s Your Theme for 2019?


Over the last few weeks we have been wrapping up 2018 with exercises in the last 2 Breathe newsletters.


The Summer Solstice exercise 2 weeks ago has helped so many of you realise how far you have come this year, and assisted you in leaving the pain of the year behind and take the learnings and growth into the New Year.


Last week the Spiritual Agenda has started to set your higher vision for 2019.


On the back of that, now is the time for you to create your theme for 2019.


The thought of creating New Year Resolutions can feel frustrating, demoralising, passe or a waste of time for so many, so over the last few years I have been asking clients to CHOOSE a Theme for the year ahead.


So what’s Your Theme for 2019?


This is The BIG picture approach to Goal Getting. Your theme will influence your Choices for the year ahead. If you choose to accept this Mission, each decision you make from NOW until December 31, 2019 will be based on your new theme.


Think about it.


Everything on your To Do List has a number of reasons for doing them…you go to work to pay the bills to live where you want and play as you want…what does this give you? Are you doing it just to tick the boxes on your To Do list? Or is there a higher purpose…to be happy? to be fulfilled? to be generous? to be kind? to be noticed/ admired? to be financially secure? to be healthy? …


Imagine your Theme for 2019 is Happiness.

Every time you make a choice you can ask yourself

“Is this Choice likely to bring me Happiness?”

If so, is this happiness likely to be short term or long term?

Then make your decision accordingly.


Applying the Theme of Happiness 2019 when you are feeling stuck or blocked You could ask yourself, “What can I do right now that will bring me happiness in support of my goals?” as examples your responses could be “Go for a Walk” , “ Create a Savings Plan”, “Be kind to a stranger”, “Call a friend”, “ Head hold and Breathe”, “Go for a swim” or “Write in my journal”.


Then go DO IT.


Apply any Theme to this process and test it out for 7 days. You may find it evolves into something else. If so well and good- this is all about finding clarity and focus. Then your Theme for 2019 can do it’s true work.


By defining your theme for 2019 you no longer ‘do for the sake of doing’, your actions become in support of Your and Your Goals.


And that’s the definition of Positive Change.

This IS the start of The Best Day of Your Life So Far.

It is the next step to You Living the Life Meant for You.

So what’s Your Theme for 2019?



A 5 Minute Moment…

About Your Garbage….Story of the Week


The following passage comes from one of my lifetime favourite books, The Theft of the Spirit, A Journey to Spiritual Healing. Page after page it reveals heartfelt, healing stories.


I found the book in a rumble sale about 20 years ago. A true treasure. Written by Carl A. Hammerschlag, MD, speaker, author and psychiatrist who spent more than 20 years as a physician among Native Americans in the Southwest, the part of the USA I am so drawn to and love. He has since been in private practice and is a member of the faculty and the University of Arizona School of Medicine and lives in Phoenix Arizona.




“ As we gathered the exposed roots in the streambed we came upon a tree encircled at it’s base by an ancient automobile tire that, with age, had hardened like stone. Directly through this piece of debris had grown a twenty foot tree. Kay and I both stared at it. Finally she said, “ I think I’ve got it. Being healthy is just letting life grow through your garbage.”


That’s it. Most of us are shovelling garbage rather than transforming it. We move our garbage from one pile to another as if we’re really doing something about it.


Our task in life is not to lament, rationalise, and obsess. It is to get on with it. If you discard your garbage, then a tree can grow through it.


Kay and I went to Walpi, maybe the oldest continuously inhabited village on this continent. A towering rock alter stands in the village plaza, it is said to be the source of emergence of the first people who came here. A few of the people still live here all year round, and it’s still quite ‘primitive’, although most of the villagers have moved to newer quarters and only come back to these ancestral grounds for ceremonial occasions. Near this stone altar lives an ancient great-grandmother, over a hundred years old, some say. She asked us to come in. Her hands are arthritic but she is a working potter. She not only throws pots but paints them afterward. I asked her how she manages to do it, since her knuckles are knotted by arthritis and she is nearly blind with cataracts. She said, “It’s not my hands that make the pot, it’s my spirit. My hands are broken but my potteries hold my soul, that’s whole.”


From nothing grows something.


I bought the only piece she had left. It is a double-necked wedding vase, but cracked where the spouts are joined. “It’s cracked, “ I said, “Me too,” she said. “What about you? Aren’t you a little cracked?” On their wedding day, lovers only see perfection in each other. But they will soon look again and see the cracks, if they can stay and see beyond the cracks, then they see the light.


Kay heard this as another transformation story: it’s not our cracks that make us garbage. It’s choosing not to see the light through them. “


Are you focused on the garbage or the tree in your life? The cracks or the light? Are you living from your spirit?


This book, this passage has influenced what I do in Personal Consultations, classes and workshops…living from my heart, my spirit to help you clear the garbage so your light can shine brighter, so you can truly live Your spiritual truth.


Thank You.



Blessings and peace,
Be Kind. And True to You,

Happy Holydays!


Deb’s here right across Christmas and NY (except Christmas & Boxing Day & NY day)


Why? Some people can have a tough time at Christmas and I made the choice years ago to be here to help. If you do notice someone having difficulty please ask, “Are You Okay?”, sit, Be Present with them, look into their eyes, be interested as you listen. It could make someone’s day. And be the gift you were seeking to give.



Feeling Like It Is the End Of The World?


We can feel like the ‘sky is falling’ when we are experiencing major change.


We can feel tired, beyond tired, done. It’s important to remember what this really is..the end of the old cycle, attempting to move forward taking the baggage of the past with us when we need to leave it behind.


As we complete one cycle a new cycle is opening, bringing new opportunities and renewed energy.


Now is a time of great change, bringing with it opportunities to heal and create the Life Meant for You more easily.


When we moved from 2011 and into 2012, another time of major change and huge energetic transformation, I received a call from a journalist asking “Is the world going to end on Friday December 21?” My response was, for some…of course.


Some believe Change is a part of life to be adapted to. Others can believe it IS the end of the world. The end of a relationship, loss of a loved one, being sacked/retrenched, losing your life savings, an unexpected diagnosis. All endings that require we adapt and change to the NEW life waiting for us.


The journalist then asked (I’ve paraphrased), “What do you think of the people declaring that unless you are enlightened you will be left behind/ die”.


Firstly, I did resist saying that Apple fans have been telling me this for years.


The answer: What You Focus on Grows.


In times of change if you focus on fear you attract more fear, you contract, curl up in a ball, think everyone is your enemy and expect the worst- and can find you are in greater fear.


If you focus on LOVE you are open to opportunities, you expand, you open your arms, chest/ heart and you expect the best and are inclusive of others, have generosity of spirit.


The Universal energies over the last few years have given us the opportunities to heal more easily and quickly, to Let Go of the old burdens, wounds, scars, habits, ways of thinking and doing life that were stopping us from Being our True Self.


So we can be who we truly are in our heart of hearts and true nature -a BEing full of LOVE. And when you are being your true self what do you attract? True love.


Why now? We are moving through a New Age. Think of Ice Age, the animated movie. The characters were looking for their new home, the new better place to live because their old life was literally crumbling beneath them as the earth warmed up and the ice melted. Hence, the end of the ice age.


The ancient Mayan and Hopi traditions (amongst others) believe that in 2012 the old age ended and the new age began.


Certainly there has been a massive amount of global change over the last few years where old ways of doing life no longer works for us, and we have been declaring it- calling things for the way they are and revealing their truths.


Major institutions whose authority was previously unquestioned are now being called accountable. As we adapt to the changes we create new, better ways of living life.


The old fear based ways of communicating and attempting to live up to others expectations of you no longer work and are falling away so that you can be your True Self and live from a loving, expanding, transformative space.


From your Spirit. From Divine Love.

Another BIG reason to CELEBRATE at this time of year!

Celebrate Your True Self, and learning to listen to and act from your heart.
Celebrate your Progress.
Celebrate Letting Go!


Write yourself a letter of love and gratitude for the Life You are creating for yourself.

Celebrate your Spirit

This IS the start of The Best Day of Your Life So Far.
It is the next step to You Living the Life Meant for You.



The Spiritual Agenda


I offer the Spiritual Agenda in Personal Consultations when clients are preparing to travel as it’s a wonderful way to collect a whole bunch of learnings, understandings and insights while you are seeing and experiencing life differently.


As we have discussed in the Breathe newsletter over the past few weeks we are currently experiencing a highly energetic time of healing and transformation. Which in itself is a journey. It’s the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. So I offer the Spiritual Agenda each year at this time as you are moving through from the old cycle into the new.


I have seen some amazing transformations, choices and been witness to some of your wonderful processes in the last year. Thankyou.


I have watched your love and respect for yourself grow as you honour the light that is within you and realize your truth. Thankyou.


And at this most amazingly spiritual time I offer you a gift, the gift of…


The Spiritual Agenda


Life at this time can be fast, busy and an emotional roller coaster. Before you start your celebrations can I suggest that you write a list:


“The Top 5 Important Understandings and Learnings”
that you want to gain over the next 2 weeks (that includes NYE).


They could be new understandings or learnings:
about yourself and your relationship with yourself, others and Life;
about family members or friends you conflict with;
about Life itself.


Then describe what that would sense that would bring to you….
peace, grace, calm, joy, love, completion?


Here are 2 examples:


“ It is now December 27, 2018 and all the Christmas visits are over. I have a new understanding of why I behave/ think/ feel the way I do about (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ situation/ etc) and I now have a sense of peace/ calm/ acceptance, etc .”


Or, “It is now January 3, 2019 and I have had a Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter. I have a new understanding of (mum/ dad/ sister/ brother/ partner/ etc) and why they are who they are/ behave that way and I have a new sense of respect for them.”


Why do this exercise? It helps set your Inner GPS toward creating the Life You are Meant to Live – filled with love, commitment, purpose, passion and Spirit. Let me know how it works for you.


Wishing you a loving, laughter-filled and Spirited Festive Season,



Love and Blessings,

Welcome to the Summer Solstice!

It’s Time to Celebrate!

Welcome to the Summer Solstice!



Our brain is hardwired to the ancient traditions based on the seasons and cycles of nature. Throughout the year I highlight each Equinox (balance of day and night) and Solstice (longest/ shortest day/ night) to assist you to make choices and changes in your life more easily.


So WELCOME to the Summer Solstice… it starts on Tuesday December 18, culminates on Saturday December 22 at 9.22am Sydney time and is the longest day and shortest night of the year, occurring each year from December 18 -22 in the Southern Hemisphere. 


The Summer Solstice is the time of celebration of the harvest… the fruit of the bulbs planted deep in winter and the seeds sown in spring are NOW ripe for picking.


We are NOW ready to CELEBRATE and reap the rewards of our labours!



Celebrations of Light & Miracles!!!


This time of year for many faiths is a time of Celebration.


From August 20-24, 2018, Muslims celebrated the holy Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, immediately followed by the Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca and Hindus celebrated Diwali, the Festival of Lights, on November 7 and Jews have just finished celebrating Hanukkah also known as Festival of Lights, an 8 day observance from December 2 -10, which recalls a miracle in the Jerusalem temple.


On December 8 Buddhists celebrated Bodhi Day – the day Buddha is believed to have achieved enlightenment, Wiccans celebrate The Solstice and Yule-Litha on December 21, which is where the term Yuletide comes from, while Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ, on December 25.


This is indeed a time of Light and transformation.


Give yourself the time to b r e e e a t h e and look for the Light in Your Life.

It connects to Your Light within You.

Your Heart, Your Truth, Your Purpose, Your Path, Your Spirit, Your Joy.

It creates The Best Day of Your Life So Far, each day.


What does Your Best Day of Your Life So Far look like to You? Start by doing 1 ( or more) of those things Today. Remember, what You focus on grows.



Meanwhile, my valued clients and friends in the Northern hemisphere, across the UK, USA and Asia, are entering the Winter Solstice ( the longest night and shortest day) and prepare to enjoy the warmth of the hearth and to listen to their inner voice.


The actual Winter Solstice is Friday, 21 December 2018 at 11.23pm CET…a great time to do the Solstice exercise you will receive in the Winter Solstice edition of Breathe this week.



For many, 2018 has been a difficult year. And a year of transformation. Many life lessons learnt, self value increased, new healthy boundaries & habits adopted and Positive Change created.


The Solstice is an opportunity to take stock of how far you have come, to celebrate the changes you have made. Then choose & strategise what changes you want to create to keep the progress growing.


So light a candle and give yourself the time and space to enJOY the Solstice exercise below.


It is time to enjoy the fruits of all the work you have put into creating a Passionate and Spirited Life, to celebrate the release of your old thoughts and habits and to celebrate moving toward Living the Life You are Meant to!


Here’s one way to do that…


The Summer Solstice Exercise 2018



  1. Take a piece of paper and look back over the last year…. how far have you come? What were you thinking/ behaving/ saying this time last year that has since changed? What new learning have you gained? What unsupportive habits have you let go of? What NEW habits and supportive ways of living life have you adopted?
  2. You could write a list, draw pictures, create a Wall of Celebration, or an album online.
  3. Head hold and breathe and notice where you feel the sense of Celebration in your body.
  4. Place your hands over that space and breathe it in. Intensify it. What colour comes to mind when you do it? Breathe it in.
  5. What sense comes with it? Joy, harmony, fulfillment, calm, knowing. Breathe that in too.
  6. Repeat each day of the Solstice Tuesday 18 – Saturday 22.
  7. Now Celebrate!


Moving forward…


Notice your transformations, choices and be witness to your wonderful processes over the coming year. Celebrate them as they happen! Record them to review and celebrate them this time next year.


Watch with growing love and respect for yourself as you honour the light that is within you and realize your truth. Celebrate with a BIG Self Hug each time you do this!


Now, enJoy Your Summer Solstice- and Celebrate!

Notice and enJOY Your Progress!

What You Focus on Grows…



The New Moon occurred at 6.20pm Sydney time Friday night. That makes it an excellent time to focus on creating new goals. Play with this process to start:


Head hold and breathe (one hand on your forehead, the other on the bump on the back of your head then belly breathe IN for 4, HOLD for 2, OUT for 4, HOLD for 2, for 9 reps)


Continue to do so while imagining where you will be, what you will be doing and how you will feel while on holidays, at work, in your relationships, with your money, your health, your spiritual life and within yourself at the time of the:


Summer Solstice on December 22…the time to enJOY the rewards of your hard work and focus this year and to celebrate all you’ve accomplished;

At Christmas and New Years Celebrations

At the time of the Full Moon in 2 weeks: the time of completion for the goals you set on the New Moon


Write it all in a journal ( or your new High Performance Planner currently flying off the shelf here in the office), then put your vision into practice.


What You Focus on Grows.



In this Edition of Breathe


Phew! The last few weeks have been a doozy! And this time of Change is carrying it’s own opportunity to release, heal and Transform. BIG time.


Clients are taking this opportunity to let go of old, deep wounds, releasing lots of intense emotions (like anger, deep sadness & confusion), coming through their Personal Consultation lighter, happier, clearer on their direction and purpose, and inspired. This is indeed an extraordinary time.


Those already on track are achieving results that previously they would never have thought possible. In fact the most common comment I hear is ” Deb, when I look back over the last year I am amazed at how much I’ve done and how far I’ve come. Thank You.”


The important part is to remember to Reward Your Progress as you notice it, to keep the progress flowing.


You know I LOVE to help You make Positive Change and Goal Getting easier because it means you can BE Living the Life Meant for You.


So when are You going to make time for You, to become lighter, happier, clear on your purpose with the energy to make it happen? This is the perfect time to book your next Personal Consultation.


You can enJOY the energy of celebration, completion and the rewards for the work you have done. Now is the time to discover the energy and strategies to keeping the progress growing into the next year.


Meanwhile, as we near the Summer Solstice (December 18-22) …
Listen to your Inner Voice telling you, showing you what you need to Be Nourished.


Then grab your board and surf The Flow, You are in ‘the Zone’.

DO the work necessary. Focus on the detail. Dot the ‘I’s”, cross the ‘T’s”. Prepare for Completion. Then you can really enJOY the Rewards of the Harvest.


There’s a lot to be excited about in this Edition of Breathe including 18 GENEROUS Offers for Christmas from Deb’s Community to You, Deb’s Community.


Give yourself the time to read, inhale and enJOY the Offers.


And plenty MORE in this edition of Breathe to read and enJOY!



Keeping it Simple


As I was working away last week, a client explained, ” I studied what they said I should study, got the job they told me I should get, created the lifestyle they told me I should have. I am so grateful and lucky for my life and feel terrible because I feel passionless and purposeless”.


I responded, ” Well I’m so glad you dropped by today, I am The Queen of Passion and Purpose.” (Where did that come from? We burst into laughter!) ” I help people all day to find their Passion and Purpose and Live it.” So there you have it. That simple.


What part of your life can you simplify today?


Where can you “Call it for what it is”?



Be kind. And true to You.
